Four: the night

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"Come with me, off into the woods. We can dance in the starlight." Bain spoke in a hopeful voice, his eyes upon the young lady he loved.

"The night is dark. We are men, not elves. The night cannot shine as brightly." She spoke to him in her ruby dress. 

"It can. They will shine over us, for they will shine over true love." He said smiling at Neisa.

"What if we are caught? It is past curfew." She asked faintly in her smooth voice. 

"Than so be it." He said back to the young girl he loved. Bain and Neisa. He took her hand and the trees glowed around them, soothing her heart.They danced in the night, making the light shine upon them, but bard unable to see. "Neisa?" He said gulping. 

"Yes?" She asked smiling. 

"I love you." He said smiling. 

"I love you too."

His lips touched hers. For both of them, it was their first kiss. Her brothers cheered in excitement from the clouds above. They both had their eyes closed as they kissed, their hearts filled with warmth. They broke apart.

She smiled and so did he. "You're brothers are proud." He said smiling. 

"I think so too." She said happily in her smooth voice. Her shiny brown hair was on one side of her face, a smiling stuck on it.

His hands were on her hips since they danced, and her hands on his shoulders. Their hearts were on fire, love sprouting within them. "You look beautiful in your dress. When you have your hair in that braid, it looks perfect." He said smiling. "I'm so in love." He said to her. She smiled at his kindness. 

"I'm so in love." She repeated to him.

"Your love is worth more than gold can weigh. For the time I've known you, we've come so far. I want to stay with you forever." He said with his head against hers. 

"I do believe there will be a day when your father accepts us." She said smiling without her teeth.

The stars were shinning around them as they held each other in the early morning. His hands cradled her face for a short moment. "Bain! Neisa!" A deep voice shouted. They recognized it and turned their heads quickly. 

"Da!" Bain said worriedly, his voice shaking.

"I do not want excuses!" Bard snapped to Bain. "You have directly disobeyed me, Bain! How could you?" His father told his son. 

"Because I love her!" Bain said quickly. He never stood up to his father. He was never afraid to, but he was so close with her father, that he never had a chance to speak up.

"You are not in love, Bain! You are children!" Bard said. 

"We may be! But we are in love! We know it!" Bain told his father. "We are in love and you can't separate us!" Bain said firmly. 

"Why do you disapprove of us so much, Bard?" She asked him with Bain's arm around her waist. 

"That is not business for a young lady to ask," Bard said to Neisa. 

"She does not like to be called a lady." Bain snapped. Bard looked back at his son and tried to take his arm, but Bain pulled it away. 

"You are leaving, Bain!" Bard told him.

Bain shook his head. "I am in love!" Bain said and then looked and Neisa faintly. "I am in love with her. Neisa." Bain said. Bard shook his head. 

"How many times must I say, you are not?" Bard said. 

"Why do you disapprove of us?" Neisa asked.

 "Because I..." Bard started, turning softer.

"Is it because we are too young?" Bain asked him. 

"No." He replied softly. "It is not that." He said shaking his head. 

"Than what is it? Why are you like this?" Bain asked. 

"I was the same age as you when I fell in love with your mother. She was a beauty. All the boys our age thought well of her, but she had liked me. We got married when we were 17, and had your older sister at 18. When she died quickly after your younger sister was born, I was devastated." Bard told them.

Bain had sympathy in his eyes to his father like that. A tear fell down Bain's eye as Bard had done so before. Bain walked to him and hugged his father. Bard had more tears fall down his eyes as he remembered her passing moment.

"Push, push! He is almost here!" Bard said to his wife. His wife pushed one more time until Bard held a girl in his hands. "It's a girl," Bard said smiling. His wife smiled. 

"Two girls and a boy." She said to Bard. The baby cried and Bard gave the baby to his wife. "Bard?" She mumbled to him. 

"Yes?" He replied. 

"I think 3 children... may have done it for me." She said to him. He looked confused at her. "I love you." She said smiling at him.

With that, she was gone.

Bard hugged his son tightly. "Oh, Bain! I am so sorry!" He said to his son. "I did not want you to go through the pain I did whenever I lost her!" Bard said hugging his son tightly. 

"I went through pain without seeing her for months," Bain said to Bard. 

"I know, son, but I thought that this was best," Bard replied with his head on Bain's shoulder.

"Forgive me, son." Based whispered. 

"Of course," Bain replied to his father. "I always will." He said smiling. Neisa smiled. Bain and Bard broke apart. 

"I am sorry, Neisa. It was not my place to banish you from my son." She smiled at him.

 "There is no apology needed." She said smiling to Bard. 

"I may still have... disapproval for the two of you. And I am truly sorry, but after tonight, you two will still be banished. For tonight, I will let you be with each other." Bard said honestly. They weren't sure how to take that in.

Bain and Neisa danced in the trees, the wind lightly blowing her brown, beautiful hair. Her brothers had been proud of her. They always saw great in Neisa, as they were close, and Neisa was the only girl, so they had taught her many things. She kissed them dearly but knew Bain would warm the cold she had in her heart, and fill the holes her brothers had made, and tend the scars upon her heart.

Bain's mother was proud. She dearly loved Bain and was incredibly proud a girl like Neisa had found him. She had loved Bain so much, even as children. They were just kids. Simple children in the light. But they were two children, in love. Children who wanted their lives with a certain person, and who wanted their life to spend with another one.

Bain had wanted to marry her, but they were much too young, but he knew that someday, there could be hope for a marriage.

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