Characters sexuality

109 2 0

Lance: pan
Matt, Keith, Maggie and Pidge: gay
Hunk, Shay,Nyma, Lotwhore and Allura: Straight
Shiro and Lotwhores generals:Bi
Maggie? and Pidge: asexual
And the adults don't really matter
Also I know that lance is meant to be bi but the directors said that lance will flirt with anyone who has too legs and pan is when your attracted to females, males, neither,both and everything in between so thats why I switched the sexualitys that the fandom gave Shiro and Lance and I know its taking ages for the first chapter to come out( hooray the first chapter is gay!) but that because I went back to school this week so I've had school work to do but hopefully it should be out soon and if its not you can yext(yell text)at me
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