Camp Jupiter

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Now  that we covered Camp Half Blood

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Now  that we covered Camp Half Blood

time to visit  and tour their Roman Counterpart, Camp Jupiter

Now for those new to the Heroes of Olympus series or those who haven't read the series in a long time

Camp Jupiter is the more militarized , Advanced version of  Camp Half Blood for Roman Half Bloods and their Legacies(the offspring or descendants of Half Bloods) settled in their peaceful, rather well hidden home of New Rome hidden in San Francisco, ran by Praetor, Reyna Avila Ramirez- Arellano, the daughter of Roman War Goddess, Bellona

And as of nowadays, not much is known about Camp Jupiter's status, but for those who want their Demigod to be of more advanced godly heritage, Camp Jupiter might just be the perfect Camp for you

Now, for a further a do, let's get to the tour of Camp Jupiter


The Wolf House- This is one of the most important traditions to be ever involved with Camp Jupiter and occurs when the demigod or legacy's parents considers them "of age", when the demigod is of age, they are sent to the Wolf House to be trained by their wolf teacher, Lupa. While they're under Lupa's training, they'll be trained until they're considered fit enough to endure the training of Camp Jupiter. Once training is complete, the demigod can move on to the next tradition.

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