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A few weeks passed and my foot finally came to a finishing stage of healing completely. I figured the picture must have fallen randomly, a gust of wind maybe.

Closing the door to my dorm the phone answering machine beeped. Clicking the button a voice spoke "2 missed messages"

"Celia it's your mother...again. You haven't called in a while. Please let me know your okay. I love you."

"Hey lil sis it's just me Mark, your incredibly sympathetic, loving, charming, attractive older brother. You should probably call Mom, she's worried about you. Yes I'll admit it pipsqueak I am too. We love you..."

I deleted the messages just like the rest of them previous days ahead. It stung a part of me like a pinching sense to know I couldn't speak to them. At least not for a while.

Just then I noticed a small manilla note on the table. My eyes scanned over the blue ink describing an address. Below it was signed "-H"

My heart race rapidly picked up. Harry.

I instantly left the building in search for a cab. New York streets were always busy with traffic and crowds. I estimated the address being only a few blocks away from Nyu. Walking would have to do, or running...it was Harry after all.

I quickly arrivied at an abandoned warehouse. I knocked on the door which creaked open. "Hello?" I yelled stepping into the dark lighted room.

Just then a gush of cold ignited across my back and the door slammed shut. I inched back pressing my hands against the wall. "Harry? Is that you?"

A menacing laugh echoed throughout the complex, in an instant I recognized it. "You actually fell for it" said Elliot appearing from shadowed windows.

I turned around to only fail at opening the door. It was budged or broken. Elliot was behind me within seconds tugging a stray hair behind my ear and caressing my cheek.

"You are too easy to fool"

Everything about Elliot was annoying, he made you just want to slap him across the face. Hmmm that's an idea. I turned around quickly on my feet, bringing my hand up and arm raised.

Unfairly he was too fast for me. Elliot was always two steps ahead of you. Every movement or thought he studied. His palm caught my wrist slamming it back against the wall. My head ached as it collided hardly.

I cried in pain as he dug his fingers into my wrist. Warm liquid cooled down my arm and I knew he had surfaced blood as well as a few bruises.

"You wanted to see him"

"Not anymore" I stated through gritted teeth hoping he'd let me go and leave me be.

"But we came all this way"

Just then I heard foot steps closely behind Elliot. I turned my head away and closed my eyes. I couldn't see Harry as a monster, I vowed against it.

Elliot spun me around in his arms ushering me towards Harry but I resisted. I squeezed my eyes shut tighter and skidded my shoes harsher against the wooden ground.

"Harry why don't you just finish her now? End all the suffering for this human"

I heard his breathing deepen, I struggled fighting against Elliot's hold. "Don't be shy, a taste wouldn't hurt"

Elliot threw my body barreling to the feet of Harry. Several seconds passed by slowly after Harry's hands grasped my forearms lifting me up face to face with him. I opened my eyes to meet his green iris' that I had missed so much.

His face was hardened as he seemed to stare right through me. I bit my lip to hold back from wrapping my arms around him, from telling him I loved him. Warm tears formed at the edges of my eyes.

Elliot walked around us in a circle, stopping behind Harry. "Well, What are you waiting for?"

Harry's mouth flinched and that's all I needed to know that he was still there, somewhere. "This." He spoke before turning around and snapping Elliot's neck.


Just so you know snapping a vampires neck doesn't kill them permanently.

Sorry this is so short and sucky. School has been really crazy and I'll probably edit this later so excuse any grammar issues.

But get ready for new chapters! They gon be intense and cray cray!

My birthday is coming up, may 12th YAY

Ilysm. xoxoxo


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