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Do you guys like author notes before or after? I figure before because then you can end the story with the last line and not get distracted idk.

I finally got my permit guys! My sixteenth birthday is in 2 weeks I'm only excited to get the iphone 5s and now my next goal is to get a job.

And to everyone who's still reading compelled, thank you. I was thinking to delete it because my chapters are awful. I blame being distracted but I figured I could edit and write more in the summer.


My eyes widened as they watched Elliot's twisted body fall lifeless to the floor. "He's only going to be unconscious for a few hours. We need to go" Harry intertwined our fingers, I pulled back being quite shaken up by what had just happened.

"I needed to see you again," Harry explained stepping closer. His scent lurking of strong mint and forest trees. "To touch you" his fingers clamped around my neck drawing me in his strong arms.

"But-" He shook his head with a frown "I know what you're thinking"

"Do you? Or did you just read my mind?"

"What? No-No it isn't about that-"

Harry tried once again lacing his fingers with mine, retrieving a saddened looked when I refused to cooperate.

He finally gave up and withered his hand around my waist pushing me towards the exit. When we returned to my dorm I had questioned why we chose this as the safest destination. "Wouldn't Elliot expect to find us here?"

"This would be the last place" Harry answered locking all the doors and any windows abruptly. I chewed on my lip, furrowing my brow compliantly confused. "Think about it" Harry urged the answer out of me. "He would expect us to go back to London"

"How does that play a part, he's going to find us Harry"

"It gives us time"

Harry noticed my uneasiness and rushed beside me. "Look I'm sorry I'll explain everything to you when-"

"No, I want to know now" I swallowed slapping my palms on my knees. I knew I was being difficult, forward, and too strict, but I couldn't brush off these things Harry had done. The feelings he effortlessly created. The sorrow he made me feel.

"Very we'll" Harry gestured with his hands for me to continue "what do you want to know"

"The night Heaven almost succeeded with turning me you never came. What If Zayn hadn't shown up?"

"That's the thing Celia, I knew he would. It was too risky then to rebel against Elliot"

"Any less than it is now? What happens when he finds us?"

"We kill him"

"We? I'm nothing compared to your strength" Harry lightly chuckled, annoyance arising in my blood. Was he actually laughing at a time like this?

"As in we I didn't imply us"

"We'll then who?" Just then a knock at the door interrupted my questioning. I was slightly annoyed, I had so much more to ask. My trust for Harry wasn't fully restored back to normal.

Harry's presence vanished to answer the door. He had been expecting somebody?Who could possibly help us right now? Had he planned this all along?

Then four of them stood in the university doorway. Liam, Louis, Zayn and Niall.

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