Chapter Nineteen - Flight

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Arbinn's spirit floated high above the night washed Cardinian citadel. Frustration fueled his anger at the lack of destruction below. He expected results, and there was little to show for the weeks of battle, other than piles of recently burnt bodies and the fresh casualties gathered beneath the catapult scarred wall. Still, the intricacies of the ancient ward protecting the citadel, glittered like a thousand diamonds. Turning his concentration to the dome shape ward initiated by Cardinia's Pantheon priests, Arbinn found its power flickering brightly. Too brightly, he cursed, knowing that until the Cardinian war priests were humbled, and the ward broken, his sorcerers could not retrieve the artefacts within. Not that he cared much for the priceless trinkets he used to convince the nations to aid him in this war. Although, the artefacts ancient power would enhance him tremendously once in his possession. Arbinn relied more upon the life force of the sorcerers, and fragile human's who, together sacrificed their lives to extinguish the spell his brother had invoked, trapping his flesh to his island.

'Let them fight for the artefacts in my name. As long as they die, and I gain their life force, I do not care for their greed. I will have my revenge on my brother!' 

Below the ward, torches blazed along the length of the two-mile long wall; highlighting the tired and demoralised faces of the Cardinian warriors. Some slept against the bloody stone parapets, swords resting in their hands. Others, including many of the wounded, stood guard overlooking the enemy encampments, waiting for a sign of the next attack. Their numbers pitiful few against the massive sea of black tents swelling out for miles beyond the wall. With so many wounded, Arbinn could see the Cardinians would not hold much longer if the ward failed again. When it did, the catapult fire would resume, inflicting great casualties. Then the fighting men could put their ladders against the wall and attack, finishing off the Cardinians. Arbinn held a brief half smile of satisfaction. For he knew many more men would die this night, further adding to the well of life force he had already gathered from the war's casualties.

Sending his focus over his army numbering a million strong, Arbinn sought out his second in command. As expected, his loyal servant, Charaz, was talking with the generals in the command tent. There was the feeling of unease among the officers seated around the table as they bickered over supplies and casualties. Arbinn sent his summoning to Charaz then returned to his island.

Charaz felt his master's mental summoning and the annoyance that flowed with it. Raising his hand, Charaz brought a halt to the meeting.

"The Destroyer is displeased at your lack of progress. You will all return to your armies and increase the number of attacks upon the wall immediately! It must fall by week's end!"

One general surged to his feet. "What of the supplies you promised from the city? We can not fight against the wall when the ward is up, where are the sorcerers who are supposed to have weakened it enough for us to man the wall already!"

 "Our armies cannot fight without adequate food and water!" stated another.

Once again, the officers began arguing.


The twelve leaders fell silent as Charaz glared around the table meeting eye contact with each of them.

"Your comrades are already stretching the city's supplies. But I have noticed thousands of bodies across the river, so there's no problem of fresh meat for your men. As to the water, the river is plentiful, albeit slightly bloody. The extra iron will give your men the strength they so obviously lack at present!"

Charaz grinned and vanished to attend his master, leaving the generals within the command tent staring in outrage and disgust long after he was gone.

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