Just Dance With Me

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There was a war going on. There was no denying it. People were dying everyday. However, I didn't want to to accept it. I was stubborn and wanted to stay locked up inside the castle not paying attention to what was going on out there.

You might judge me and say that I should be trying to help, not sitting here in the dark waiting for it all to be over. But I was sixteen. I didn't know how to fight, I wasn't exactly the bravest person, I was terrible at coming up with strategies and there were a lot of people who didn't trust me. The only thing I could do was stay out of the way.

The war took away a lot from a lot of people. For me it took my life outside of the castle walls. All I had were my friends and boyfriend who thankfully for me, we're all here as well. The only thing I knew for sure was they were safe here and I wasn't alone just yet.

It was really just a normal day. Nothing to awful had happened, but for some reason, the war was really hitting me. It was just an ever present thought in my mind. There were people out there dying, fighting for everything to be right, for there to be justice. It was just one of those days that had me really depressed.

Sirius and I had been in the room of requirement. He brought me there to get my mind off everything that was going on and I loved him for trying to make me feel better but, it wasn't really helping. He was sitting in a chair doing homework. It wasn't like him to do his work without Remus or I forcing him to but I just assumed he needed a distraction too. I was sitting a piano that had appeared in the room, playing a soft, easy tune over and over. Maybe if I had been playing something more complicated, something I had to focus on, my thoughts wouldn't have wandered back to the war. But they did and this time it was too much. Tears started rolling down my face and onto the piano keys. Small sobs escaped my mouth. Sirius noticed right away and jumped up to comfort me.

He didn't say anything. He didn't ask what was wrong. He knew what was wrong. He just put his arms around me and let me cry into his chest. When I stopped, he took my face in one of his hands and kissed me lightly on the lips.

"You okay, love?" he asked. I shook my head. How could I be okay? Nobody was and nobody knew when or if it was going to be possible to be okay again.

He got up and pulled me with him. As we walked to the middle of the room, he pulled out his wand and waved, casting a silent spell on the piano. It began to play a slower, but more complex version of the tune I had just been playing. He then lifted me onto his feet, put on arm around my waist and began to slow dance around the centre of the room.

"Sirius, what are we doing?" I asked with my head resting on his shoulder.

"We're dancing. I thought that was obvious." I could tell he had a small smile on his face.

"Is now really the time to be dancing?" I asked as I began to pull away from him and move my feet back onto the floor. He pulled me back and tightened his grip around my waist.

"Y/N, love. Just dance with me and try to forget that the world exists, okay?"

"Okay." I gave in. There was no reason to pull away. I really did need a moment where I didn't feel scared for my life, scared for my friends lives, guilty for not doing anything or frustrated for not being able to do anything.

Sirius and I danced for a while. We lost track of time, but honestly, we didn't care if we missed class or curfew or whatever had gone on in the amount of time we stayed there. We were both a mess and we finally had a nice moment, right there, in the middle of a secret room on the seventh floor.

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