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It all started as a fairly simple mission for the order. Sirius and I were paired together to spy on a couple of suspected death eaters. He and I usually worked well together, so this mission was supposed to be easy. In all honesty, it was. Up until we had confirmed that the two wizards we were following were most definitely death eaters.

We were hidden behind a few barrels in a sketchy looking alleyway that lead to a street filled with stores that had for the most part been abandoned during Voldemort's uprising. The stores that remained were worn down and you couldn't really tell that they were open. Sirius and I had followed our two targets here and caught a flash of the end of a dark mark on one of their arms. They had been making their way through the small crowd that was made up of people who looked just as sketchy as the empty buildings, when Sirius and I stood up and began to follow them.

I pulled my cloak over my head and fell back a bit, just so that I could see that Sirius was with me at all times. He looked back and gave me a reassuring smile, silently telling me that we were almost done. We walked for a few minutes until the the pair we were following turned down another alleyway. Sirius started to turn into the alley, but I grabbed his hand pulling him back.

"What?" He whispered.

"If we go back there, they'll know we're following them!" I whisper shouted at him.

"We don't have enough proof yet. It'll be fine, come on." He assured me, pulling me with him into the alley.

We walked far behind our suspects and for a few minutes, they weren't suspicious of us at all. We turned a few corners and made sure not to lose sight of them. I guess we must have gotten a little bit too close to them because one turned his head and glared at us for a second. They turned another corner and as we did just behind d them, we emerged into the streets again. This street was more or less the same, but with a few less people. A little ways down street I could see the one that had looked at us turning to his friend and gesturing over to us. My guess is the second guy was in charge of whatever was going on here, because the second he saw us, he pulled out his wand and threw a curse in our direction.

The few people that were in the street screamed and ran for cover. Sirius and I turned and ran down the alley that we had come from. At the end of it, instead of continuing on our previous path, we turned onto another street and ducked into an abandoned store. We could here more curses being shot from the direction that we had come from. Sirius grabbed my hand, pulling me through the store and into a small cupboard. It was tiny, but there was enough room for both of us. I sat down on a wooden box in the corner and Sirius sat down on the floor next to me. It wasn't to dark in the little space. Light was streaming in from the wall behind us and a little bit from under the door.

I pulled my wand out from my robes and cast a silencing spell around us. I let out a shaky breath and put my head in my hands.

"That was close." I heard Sirius say from next to me. I could tell he was smiling. How could he be excited about this? I had told me that he always got an adrenaline rush when things like this happened, but I couldn't understand it. We had been fired at and those curses had almost hit us. I hated missions if I was being completely honest. The only time I ever went was with one of my friends and even then, I was terrified. Especially with Sirius, he could get a bit reckless sometimes.

"Hey, Y/N/N, you alright?" He asked me.

"No." I said quietly.

He sighed, remembering how much I hated being out like this. "C'mere baby."

I slid off the box and into his open arms, hugging him tight. I let go and leaned the side of face on his chest.

"Should we go back out?" I ask him.

"I don't think so. Not yet, at least."

"Sirius, I can't just sit here knowing that they're out there, I feel like I need to do something." I told him, feeling a bit of anxiety start to set in.

"Pretend we're not here. Pretend we're back in the Gryffindor common room, in front of the fire."

Sirius knew what to tell me when I was like this. We had been friends for years and he had seen me at my worst. I tried to do what he said and I thought back to the rainy afternoons when we're tired and bored, so we would snuggle up in front of the fireplace. Sometimes we fell asleep there and one of the other Marauders would cover us in a blanket. I was shaken from the memory by a bang from outside of the store, making me jump. The noise was clearly from a block or two over, but it still didn't help the way I was feeling right now.

"Y/N/N, it's okay. We're gonna be fine right here."

"Sirius, I'm scared." I said really quietly. I hated this. I hated being this way. I hated when people saw how easily I got scared. Normally I wasn't this ways, but ever since the war started I had been jumpy and I hated it.

"I know, but it's gonna fine, okay?"



"Why do you call me baby?"

"What?" He laughed.

"I'm trying to distract myself. You just called me baby a few minutes ago. You do it a lot actually. I'm just wondering why."

"I don't know. It was a flirty thing when I first met you, but it just sort of stuck even after I realized it wasn't gonna work on you."

Another bang from outside. Again, a little ways away, but still terrifying to me. Sirius wrapped his arms around me tighter. Leaning in so that he could talk to without being to loud. He knew I just wanted to be quiet right now.

"You know what? If we die-"

"Don't say that." I interrupted.

"Wait. If we die, we can come back as ghosts and haunt the guys."

I smiled, so he continued.

"We could talk to them in the middle of night. Scare the shit out of them." He beamed at me.

"Padfoot, that's awful." I laughed. "You are a terrible person."

"Ah, but you love me anyways."

"Sadly, I do."

"Love you too."

We stayed in silence for a few moments until Sirius cleared his throat.

"You said you wanted distraction. Well, how about this; I really do love you. I mean I'm in love with you. Have been since sixth year."

That had my attention. "Is this just a distraction or are you telling the truth?"

"The whole truth baby."

I forgot about what was going on around us and let myself do what I had been wanting to do for a while. I reached up and kissed him. His arms were all over me and mine went right around his neck. When we pulled away, I rested my forehead against his.

"I love you too." I whispered. He smiled at me and kissed my cheek. Of course, right then, we heard another bang. This one was closer though. We both shot up and ran out of the closet, knowing it was no longer a safe hiding place. Sirius looked over at me.

"We're gonna be okay, I promise." He told me, grabbing hand and kissing me for the last time before heading in the direction of the noise.

Half an hour later, we apparated back to headquarters with proof that the two suspects had been death eaters. The room was slightly crowded and Professor McGonagall came up to us right away.

"Are you two alright? You were gone much longer than we expected you to be."

Sirius and I looked at each other, then back at the professor.

"I think we're more than alright."

Sirius Black One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now