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Quidditch was by far the most popular wizarding sport in Europe, which meant you either played it or you watched it, but everybody loved it. I was a player and a damn good one as my friends put it. Being able to get on a broom and play the sport was one of favourite things to do. I loved the rush from diving down and pulling back up at the last second or the wind blowing the hair out of my face as I flew along side my friends. As soon as I had gotten to Hogwarts, I tried out for the team. It wasn't until my third year when I finally made it, alongside my friend, James Potter. He was a chaser for Gryffindor and I was a beater for Hufflepuff. My friends always told me that I was a beater because I had a bit of a temper and that I acted a bit more like I should be in Slytherin instead of Hufflepuff. Now, in our sixth year, we were still playing and James was currently the Gryffindor captain. This meant that the celebratory post-win parties were three times as big, loud and long, as he and Sirius had them planned out days in advance.

Today was game day, Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff (a.k.a. The game that James and I get really competitive in, as we both want to win just so we could brag about it to the other) Lily and I had just entered the Great Hall to have breakfast. Entering the hall, we immediately spotted the Marauders being their usual loud selves. James was already dressed in his red and gold uniform, as I was in my yellow and black one. He waved when he saw me.

"Oi, Y/L/N! Ready for today?" He called. He always called me by my last name when we were on the pitch. I guessed he was already in that set of mind as he had his snitch out and he was tossing it around more than usual.

"Oi, Potter! Aren't chasers supposed to go after the quaffle?"

"Shut up." He laughed as Lily and I sat next to Remus and Peter on the other side of the bench. That's when I realized that there was one person missing.

"Um, where's Sirius?"

"Oh, you will never guess what your lovely little boyfriend did this morning." Said James.

"What? Did he do something stupid? Is he in detention?"

"No, nothing like that. He actually managed to convince Minnie to let him be the announcer for today's game."

"No way! How the fuck did he manage to do that? I never would have thought he would be allowed anywhere near that microphone."

"I don't know. The only time I've seen him today was when he told me and then he ran off to get ready or something."

"Okay then." I said, still confused as to why Professor McGonagall would let Sirius Black have access to a microphone at an event the entire school would be attending. There was no use in questioning the boys, as they clearly didn't know anything. I continued to eat breakfast although I didn't have very much. I always felt a little off before a game.

An hour later, I was mounting my broom in the middle of the pitch, mentally preparing myself for that would be starting in a few seconds. I looked across from me at the Gryffindor team and caught James' eye. He was staring me and mouthing "You're going down" with a smile on his face. I smiled back and flipped him off while keeping my hand close to me, so that a professor wouldn't see. He chuckled and turned his attention back to the quaffle which was just about to be released.

The game moved fast, which I was accustomed to, but today I still had these nerves in the pit of my stomach. This was unusual as they always disappeared the second I got on my broom. Now it felt as though the game was moving too fast. I didn't even remember that the voice announcing everything that was happening belonged to Sirius until I saw a bludger go whizzing past the front of my broom.

"Gryffindor beater, Johnson sends a bludger straight at Hufflepuff beater, Y/L/N! I don't care if you're in my house, Johnson, I'll break your neck if you try to hurt my girlfriend again!"

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