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Let's say sunshine for everyone

But as far as I can remember

We've been migratory animals

Living under changing weather

It was clear to me that Sirius Black was the best thing to ever happen to me. As a pure blooded witch, we had spent years going to prestigious parties and spending as much time together and away from our families as possible. That was how we met at age five, so I guess we did have one thing to thank our parents for. We were the crazy kids, the problem child in each of our preppy little families. As I look back on it, that was probably the reason we got along so well.

By our fifth year at Hogwarts, we were happier than ever, living by the rules of the school, not those of the purebloods (I mean, we were supposed to live by those rules... we may have broken a few). Through all the time that we spent together, we began to fall in love and by earlier sixth year, we wanted nothing but each other and our friends, who were the complete opposite of the life we had come from. We were carefree and never wanted to go back.

Someday we will foresee obstacles

Through the blizzard, through the blizzard

Today we will sell our uniform

Live together, live together

It was the middle of summer, just before seventh year, Sirius sent me an owl that told me where he was. I was confused at first. Why would he be staying at the Potter's house? James was one of our best friends and I was sure that he would be thrilled to have Sirius stay with him for the remaining month of summer, but it didn't make any sense. The letter invited me to come and see the two of them in a couple of days, but still left no reason or answer to the question that seemed so obvious. I, having no patience, put the question in my next letter to him. A day or so later, I received, again, no straight answer, but rather one small sentence saying that he would explain it all in person. I felt a little angry and quite frustrated. What secret could my boyfriend need to be keeping from me? What could be so fucking bad that he didn't want me to know? I got my answer that night at dinner.

Sitting prim and proper at the long dining table that I had come to despise as it was the setting of many arguments, my parents began to discuss everything that was happening in their pure blooded wizarding society.

"I was out this morning, in Diagon Alley and I ran into Walburga Black." My mother told my father. I said nothing. I wasn't supposed to. My younger siblings and I had learned not to pipe in unless we had news. In other words, we could join the gossip or eat in silence.

"Really? How is she?" My father asked, as if he actually cared. I knew he was just waiting to hear what terrible things had happened in others lives so that he could feel so much better about ours. This was often the reason why I wasn't treated very well, being "the only possible thing that could wreck our reputation" and "a disgrace to my upbringing".

"Well, Walburga herself is fine, but the rest of the family is a little shaken up."

"Why is that?"

"Their eldest son has run away." I dropped my fork on the table, making an awful clattering noise. I was shot a couple of dirty looks and one horrified one from my younger sister, who was clearly afraid of the yelling she was going to have sit through. There was no yelling though, they simply continued the conversation.

"Where has he gone?"

"He's staying with Fleamont Potter and his family right now. I knew those blood traitors were exactly the type to betray another pureblood family. Walburga says she couldn't be more pleased to have gotten rid of him, just one less thing for her to worry about. It's Sirius I think, yes Sirius, he's the eldest. About a week ago, she was telling him off for acting foolish around guests when he began screaming at her and suddenly walked out of the house, saying the rudest things you could imagine."

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