That Summer

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The summer that Sirius Black moved in with my family also happened to be the summer after our first and only few dates. Yes, I Y/N Potter had gone on about five dates with Hogwarts infamous heart breaker. We were convinced that we liked each other and after I had a couple fights with James about him being over protective of his sister, we were finally allowed to go on a date without being interrupted. It didn't last very long and when I told James that Sirius and I weren't going to be going on another date, he just about killed Sirius, thinking that I had been hurt. But the truth was I wasn't hurt. Sirius and I realized that it was more of a physical attraction than an emotional one and I didn't want to be in relationship that was purely physical.

When Sirius moved in, I didn't talk to him much. The first few days were hard for him though, nobody except for James really talked to him. I didn't blame him for being sad, he had just left his family. After awhile he began to feel better and look like his usual happy, joking self. Slowly, I began to get to know another side of the marauder. Now that I was around him all the time, I was hearing his fun jokes, not the flirty ones. I was watching him and James plan pranks for the school year, not try to get another date for the weekend. I was seeing him laugh, not smirk. At first he didn't really know how to talk to me since he was only used to us flirting or being completely alone. Now that we weren't going out it was awkward. It took a little less than a month for him to start talking to me like I was a friend, not a potential date. After a while he even got more comfortable around me. I guess that's what gave me what we had been missing before. An emotional connection.

I was a little mad at myself when I realized that I was beginning to like Sirius. He was bad for me. Wasn't he? He didn't want a real relationship, just something physical and I knew that if I went after him again, I could end up being one of his ways to kill time until somebody prettier came along. That reason right there is why I didn't bother doing anything about any of this. Of course, that didn't mean that it was exactly easy to go on living in same house as the boy I so desperately wanted to be with.

~Sirius's P.O.V.~

He had noticed it. Maybe not right away, but he had noticed the subtle changes in the way she acted around him. She would give him her full undivided attention whenever it was the two of them talking, which he had learned was a rare thing as this girl almost always had two or more things on her mind. She got sidetracked easily. He noticed that sometimes her eyes would linger on him a little longer than on anyone else. He could see something flicker in them whenever he looked straight back at her. After a while he even noticed that she would start to play with the ring on her left hand whenever she was talking to him. He tried to see if she did it when she talked to anyone else, but as he payed more and more attention to it, he realized that she only did certain things when it was just the two of them.

Sirius wasn't sure if he should talk to her just yet. He decided to talk to James instead, even if James didn't really want his best friend dating his sister, he still knew Y/N better than Sirius did. One day, when it was just the two of them in James' room, he decided to ask.

"Hey, Prongs? Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." said James who was lying on his bed, tossing his snitch into the air.

"Do you think your sister is still into me?"

James laughed, "Do you remember when she punched you off that boat?"


"She's very proud of that moment."


The boat incident. It had been just after the two had stopped seeing each other. They had been in small boats for a class activity on the black lake. Y/N had sat down in the boat that the marauders had claimed, next to her brother. At some point they had to switch around for part of the activity and she ended up next to Sirius. They had began to talk and it was clear that Sirius was much more okay with a physical relationship than Y/N was. He had made some comment that she had found a bit offensive and ended up punching him. She didn't mean to do it, but when he fell off the boat she erupted into laughter along with other marauders and the students in the boats around them.

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