His Treasure (Knight! Prussia x Dragon! Reader)

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  You weren't always this way. No, not at all, you were once a human princess, who had the unfortunate fate of becoming cursed by a vengeful witch. It wasn't your fault though, it was your fathers, who made the most idiotic decision when you were first born.

  An old hag had come to the castle gates and asked to be let in, as a blizzard was said to be coming, the king met the old woman at the gates and many thought he would personally let her in. It was quite the opposite however, he turned the woman away, not wanting the old hag to be seen by the other royal guests.

  A party was going on, it was celebrating the birth of the firstborn Princess. That would be you in this case and what followed was terrible. The hag revealed herself to be Lady Fluch, a woman who practiced the dark arts and the king attempted to apologize but the deed was done and she was already casting a hex.

  Instead of making your father pay, she did the next worse thing, she cursed the family line. She cursed you to be captured by a scaly beast when you turned nineteen years old. No one knew what she meant by scaly beast, but they all knew it meant trouble.

  In a desperate attempt to beg for forgiveness, your father sent her a couple of slaves to practice her magic on, she accepted this but didn't lift the curse. (Much to the entire kingdoms disappointment) Instead she offered a solution to the curse, something that only could come true in a fairy tale.

  A brave knight would have to save her, and if he failed, she would fall to the beasts fire. As expected, the solution was an impossible one. At least, that's what everyone but your father thought. Right after Lady Lutch gave him the tip, he started to create a brigade of knights, trained to kill and destroy anything when given the command.

  Many were hesitant to rise up, but when the king offered your hand in marriage to whoever could save you from the curse, many enrolled, some enrolling their sons before they were of age.

  As you grew up, no one told you of the curse you held, nor did they explain why you were kept under heavy surveillance. It was tough not being able to be a normal kid, but at least you had Gilbert Beilschmidt. He was the oldest son of a wealthy family of whom was on good terms with your father. His father and your father were close friends so it would make sense for you two to get along.

  The two of you were partners in crime, you did everything together. Eventually, when you turned into teens, you grew to have a crush on the knight-in-training. You did get jealous when he started paying attention to a woman named Elizabeta. What was worse is that he didn't talk to you at all during your nineteenth birthday party, most would assume it was because of the many knights that were around you constantly during that time, but you saw how he slow danced with her, you could see the glances he would cast on her, it made you feel spite for the woman.

  As the birthday party came to an end, the kingdom had rejoiced that the curse hadn't happened, but you took no part in their festivities. Instead, when the moon rose you hid yourself in your room, locked away and sulked. Most of the emotions that stirred within was mostly jealousy, betrayal, envy, and greed at one point. As quickly as these feelings came, you tried to shove them back but they only became stronger.

  Soon only hatred, greed and jealousy consumed every thought and pushing them back wasn't an option anymore. You didn't notice horns sprouting from your head or the scales that were slowly starting to appear on your skin, all you saw was fire.

  As quickly as the transformation begun, the faster it was over. Your room was at the top of the tallest tower, at least, it used to be. It no longer stood tall, but instead crumbled and fell, which caused panic to arise. In it's place a monstrous dragon stood, its scales a bright red, its eyes were that of the brightest amber people had ever seen, its claws the as sharp as swords and it's wings were large and laid majestically on the beasts back.

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