Relax (Demon! England x Demon! Reader)

658 21 7

AU: Sweet Devil 
[A/N]: It's a bit long, so buckle up. 


  As the personification of the Sin of Sloth, you didn't take too kindly to being awoken from your deep slumber. The human servant was shaking in his chains as he pleaded for you to get up on the account that King Alfred wanted to see you. You were very close to giving the servant an order to tell King Alfred that he could go suck a dick but you refrained. 

  You shooed the servant away with a flick of your tail and ushered out a loud yawn that seemed to shake the castle you were housed in. With a couple of stretch for both your limbs and wings, you shuffled out of your bedroom. You didn't even bother to make yourself look presentable; plus, you weren't Francis (Sin of Lust) you did not care about what you looked like. 

  Stumbling through the yawning corridors, you make it to the Throne Room. Using the barest of your true strength you push aside the heavy metal doors and walk into the room. The doors magically close behind you. 

  King Alfred, Sin of Gluttony, sat upon his onyx throne with a cheerful, yet mischievous smile. It grew wider when you finally appeared in the dark room. A large, crystal chandler and large windows that let in the light of the fires of Hell in was the only source of light in the room. 

  On the right side of his throne was his second in command (or his secretary as you liked to mock) was Arthur, Sin of Pride. You were far too tired and too disoriented to notice the way he started to twiddle his fingers nervously and bite his lips at the sight of you alone. 

  You had a severe case of bedhead, your clothes were rumpled, you yawned every second (which showed off your sharp teeth) and your eyelids were half-drooped. You started to trace the etches in your ram-like horns, with your lips parted slightly. Sleep still had you captive, it was obvious.

 Arthur stared wide-eyed at your sleepy presence. Alfred elbowed Arthur and gave him a suggestive look. Arthur swatted at Alfred with his wings whispering furiously at him. 

"How can I be of service King Alfred?" Your voice was raspy, and low. You rubbed your eyes gently with the palm of your hand. 

"Ah! (Y/n)! My favorite Sin of them all! Have a good nap? I hope you did becau-" 

"She's been asleep for an entire week, Alfred." Arthur grumbles and crosses his arms in front of his chest. You hum, you've once slept an entire three months, straight. It's the highest achievement on your record right next to beating up Archangel Ludwig back in a war. 

"Pfft, whatever dude, you're just jealous that (Y/n) loves sleep more than you!" Alfred smirks. 

"Can you please tell me what you wanted me for?" You grumble with a pout. "I really want to go back to bed Alfred." 

"Oh yeah! Sorry dude!" Alfred laughs and scratches the back of his neck. "I need you to help Arthur relax dude! He's been a pain in my ass for the entire week, so go entertain him for me while I go binge eat!" 

"I am not something that you can pass around!" Arthur angrily shouts. 

"Yeah, fine, let's go." You shrug lazily and take Arthur's hand into your own. Alfred's loud laughing could be heard behind you as you exited the throne room with Arthur in tow. Said demon was blushing furiously at the contact. Even though he was wearing gloves, he could feel the coldness from your hand seeping through. 

"Where are we going exactly?" Arthur murmurs, too focused on the fact that he's holding your hand. He receives a hum in reply as you lead him to your room. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2019 ⏰

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