Chapter 27: Stress

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*Joey POV*

Today I was stressed out I was freaking out about the video all night I couldnt sleep I couldnt eat I couldnt concentrate I was super tired and all I thought about was the video what would my parents think would they hate me? would they still love me? This made me stressed out it made me sad and depressed but at least I got it out and not let it hide in my gut for a long time I love shane I really do I am just afride what my parents are gonna think when I see them this Thankgiving they probley wont even talk to me I know my sister will but my mom and dad with think twice to talk to their son they thought was stright they will think it was their fault for making me gay its no ones fault I choose this on my own I think and think in till a solution comes to my head I dont know what I am thinking but I think of something and I think of something smart and a good idea to get this problem out of my head but I get sadder and sadder and a tear comes from my face I dont want to cry but the tears cant stop I hide my head and try not to have Shane hear me cry but I cry louder and louder but I knew Shane wasnt home so I went up stairs to cry but I want to feel better I knew the soultion I got Lana Del Rey on and I put in my head phones and started to listen to her she made me feel better it felt no one in the world would replace her for being my favorite music artist and I sang to lyrics the words were in my head and my heart and I paused the music and took of my headphones and I was happy again I said "Thank you Lana Del Rey" I was pretty tired but I decided to stay up for a little longer and watch American Horror Storys I was scared everytime I watched it but I loved it so much it was the best show I watch but I watch way to much of Adventure Time and Totoro I cant help myself from loving it.. After American Horror Storys I fell asleep and I took a nice long nap.


American Horror Storys is what Joey is starting to watch which he said in a previous vlog and he loved Lana Del Rey so I decided to put some of Joeys favorite things in this chapter and I just reached 1.5K reads thank you..

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