New girl

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The harsh rays of the blazing sun shine down onto your eyes through the gap in the window of yours and Newts shared room, instantly waking you up from your soundless sleep. You grumble and roll over, covering your face with the blanket. Unable to fall back to sleep you reach over to cuddle up against Newt, but your hand is greeted by the cold empty space that he had left vacant. An uneasy feeling enters the pit of your stomach, but you dismiss it as you know that Newt is probably hard at work- being second in command and all. That was until you heard the soft high pitch sound of another girls giggle. You sit upright on the bed, the sound causing your mind to become hazed and confused, how could you have heard another girl when you were the only one in the glade?
Once again you dismiss the hollow feeling in your stomach, along with the sound of the girls laugh- you must still be disorientated from how much of Gallys special drink you were having last night. You swing your legs off of the bed and begin to get changed, deciding to wear your more scruffy work clothes and putting your hair in a messy bun, too hungover to make any effort. You walk out of the room and head straight to the kitchen, planning to persuade frypan into letting you have some dinner early- seeing as you missed breakfast- but he was nowhere to be seen. You decide to take a piece of bread and a glass of water "that should do for now" you whisper to yourself and head straight off to work, collecting firewood from within the forest.
As you are walking along the border of the woods, you look over into the glade to try and catch a glimpse of Newt, but instead you notice all of the gladers gathered around in a circle grinning uncontrollably. You assume they are gathered around watching a fight take place, so you roll your eyes and continue with your duties.
On your way over to dinner you stop to talk to Minho (your closest friend within the glade) "Hey bro, you seen Newt anywhere?" he smirks at you and slowly nods his head. "So where is he?" You ask, a little annoyed at his obscure behaviour. His grin widens and he points over to the centre of the glade "there he is! showing around the new girl" you are taken aback by his words and slowly turn around to see that Minho was telling the truth, you were no longer the only girl in the glade.
At first a feeling of excitement and gratefulness fills your emotions, you finally didn't have to suffer being the only girl in the glade alone! But then you look closely and notice her linking her arm through Newts, a flirtatious smile on her face, causing you to become irritated and jealous.
You let out an exasperated sigh and shrug off any negative feelings you have towards her, the first day in the glade is bad enough, you wanted to at least let her feel welcome. "Oh okay cool, I guess I'll go introduce myself then" you wave goodbye to Minho and head over towards Newt and the new girl. "Hey Newt!" You nod towards the girl "who's the new greenie?"
"Oh Y/N, this is Sally" you smile towards her "Sally this is Y/N" you reach out your hand towards her, offering it her to shake, but she cowers behind Newt, completely disregarding your offer. You take a step back and address her calmly "I'm sorry if I've done something to offend you, I was just hoping we could become friends, being the only two girls in the glade and all" You smile at her again, in hopes she will open up to you, but Instead you notice her stiffen and pull down on Newts sleeve. Newt notices as well and looks at you with regretful eyes "maybe you should go to dinner love? I'll take Sally on the rest of the tour, she's probably feeling a little over whelmed" Newts words cause your stomach to twinge, but you hide your emotions and mask a smile towards them both "yeah sure, I'll see you at the bonfire tonight, it was nice to meet you" You briefly wait for her response but get nothing in return, so you spin around on your heel and restlessly stumble back to the tables and await on dinner.
After Newt had given his tour and the bonfire had been lit, you stand with your usual group- Minho, Thomas, Wilson and Chuck. They notice Newt and Sally heading back from the shower block (the grand finale' of the tour) and wave them over. Sally smiles and begins to walk over, but as soon as her eyes meet yours she becomes hesitant and stands in place. You notice her change in attitude, so head over to the drinks table and down a few of Gallys special drinks. Instantly you feel your head begin to buzz and your knees become weak. You look over to Newt and wave him over, craving his loving touch, but as he is about to walk over to you, Sally grabs his hand and pulls him over to your group. He gives you an awkward side smile and turns his back on you, following behind her.
The pain you feel within your chest is excruciating and the air is taken from your throat, causing your mouth to go dry. You spin around and try to blink away the tears forming in the corners of your eyes.
You don't feel like going back over to the group and having to face Sally or watch her put her hands all over Newt, so you grab several more of the drinks and walk over to one of the logs, furthest away from the fire, to be left alone with your drinks and your thoughts- which was not a good idea...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2017 ⏰

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