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Updates will be slower in all my books because school has started and I already half to deal with some BS and I half home work now so update will be slower.

Goths p.o.v.

I coldent see I had a blindfolded on. I cold hardly breathe I panicking to much. I felt  cold concreet agenst my back. I was so scared for my baby's life.

Palletets p.o.v.

I was crying in my dads arms. It hurt knowing that goth and our undorn baby's life cold be in danger. My dad pated my back and comforted me.

(Time skip broght to you by me in high school)

I was siting in the room that me and goth had set up for the baby. I can remember the day we panted the room.

(Flash back)

Goth and I stood in the baby's room panting the room for the baby. One wall was a pastel gray they others were pastel blue pink and green. (Like one wall is blue and another is pink and the last one is green) goth was working on the gray wall. He seemed to be tierd and struggleing. I went up behind him and huged him. He flinched not expecting the hug but soon calmed down. I kissed his neck softly and rested my head on on his shoulder. My hand was rubing on goths baby belly. he purred and closed his eyes. He relaxed and rested his head on mine.
"Gothy you should take a brake you look tierd." I say softly in his ear.
"I am, but I wanna get the baby's room done." He replied softly.
"Well how about you go lay down andi finish the room. It's safer for you and the baby. I don't want you getting sick from the paint fumes." I say kissing his cheek.
"Ok. I love you Pallete." He said well leaving the the room to go nap.
"Love you to gothy." I say and continue to paint the wall.

(Flash back end)

I sit in the room crying holding a picture of goth and the of ultrasound.

Goths p.o.v.

I was siting in in whatever room I was siting it wen Someone came in and took of my blindfolded and I saw...

Hay everybody. OK so vote. How should kidnapped goth.

A: W.D. Gaster.

B: Britny

C: a deamon.

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