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OK I just finished the second season of stranger things so get ready for some strange shit. Also that is what Britny looks like.

Palletes p.o.v.

I was siting in my bed crying wen my phone started to ring.
"Hello?" I ask.
"Hello Mr. roller. We have some bad news for you." A man said thrue the phone.
"W-what?" I studerd out.
"Your husband is dead we would like you to come to come to 119 window Street." He said as tears fell from my eyes.
"Y-yes sir." I said as I got up to go to the place. Wen I arrived I was met with a pile of dust and goths scarf. I stare at it tears running down my face. My lags became to week to hold me and I let out a choked cry of sadness.
"N-o no NONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONO GOTH NO YOU CANT BE GONE. GOTHY NO!!!" I cryed as I helld his scarf close to my chest and cryed.

Goths p.o.v.

"NO PALLETE IM HEAE IM RIGHT HEAR PLEASE IM ALIVE IM HEAR PALLETE P-pLEase I'm alive!" I screamed as I hit the gient screen crying. A cold chill was sent thrue my body and I turned around to see the half melted creacher that was my grandfather. I stumbled backward holding my stomach.
"N-NO! stay away!" I said before I felt the cold of this place run through my body. My body game to glitch a little bit from this place. My body went numb and I felt light headed. Suddenly I was out like a light.

(Time skip broght to you by the second season of stranger things.)

Geno's p.o.v.

It's bin a couple months since goths Death. Reaper is skeptical about it and pallete won't take goths skarf off.
I was lisaning to the radio wen the lights started to flicer. I was shaking I knew what this was. Then the radio want to static.
"Gaster stop I... Leave me alone." I say holding my hands on the sides of my head.

".. ..  .....ge..o ...y...ur...on.. ..is.   ..n.. .. lab..r... . .go.... Needs he..... " His speech was broken up and distroyed. I made out "geno your on" but nothing else. Then thrue the radio I Hurd a familiar scream.

It was goth!

Goths p.o.v.
I have bin staying with gaster for a couple months. He's not that bad and he's trying to get my dads atenchen to get me out of hear. I was 8 months pregnant and really hungry. The thing about the save screen is you don't need food and drinks. But you should eat before you leave or you'll be starving wen you leave. I was siting watching Pallete like I always do. I can't wach him like this. It hurts.

I hurt.

Oh god my water broke.

I let out a paind scream alirthing faster that there's something Rong. Re runs over to see me on the floor crying in pain then the screen behind me changes. I see my dad.

(Time skip brought to you by poth shipers. You know who you are.)

Palletes p.o.v.

Geno called me to the hospital. He said it was important. I go into the room and I see...

Clif hanger. There you go. A chapter. Have a nice day/night

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