Royal nine

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"Is it good Jihoonie?" Jimin asked who shoved a spoonful of ice cream on his mouth. The boy only nodded showing a slight smile. "I'm glad you do."

I happily looked at the two cute males eating, resting my chin on my palm. I took a glance at Jihoon's watched and saw it rose up a level, from blank to delight. That wasn't so bad right?

"Say Jihoon, where do you wanna go to next?" I asked lowly, he shrugged as a reply once again. "Use your words Hoonie."

He nodded obediently, "Anywhere is fine hyung."

"Oh! He talked!" Jimin gasped happily and pinched the other boy's cheek. "I'm so proud of you!"

"Alright, I have a place in mind." I grinned from ear to ear.


We arrived to our next destination, the palace. Yeah it's not that very ideal to go to but all of my stuffs was in here and I'm sure Jihoonie would love to visit his 'Daddy's' place. I haven't been here for a while, I miss my home (and my throne especially) but the Park's home wasn't too bad. It's like my second home now.

As always, guards were lined up on the gates, welcoming our presence. Countless maids guided us inside the castle. But before things go grand once again, I told them to leave us be and not get in the way. Thankfully, they obliged without second thought.

"Welcome to my not-so-humble abode!" I spread my arms, smiling while welcoming them inside as soon as they all disappeared to do their own jobs. The two looked really cute with both of their mouths agape, hand in hand. We would look cute together as a family! I can already picture us three living in the palace one day...

"W-what are we doing here princey?" Jimin asked, eyes roaming around the big walls of the palace.

"To have fun! Let's go to my room!" I dragged them upstairs to where my room was located. They were really careful on each step they took, trying to not mess anything up.

We stopped as two familiar golden doors were in sight. I opened it and smiled when I saw my lovely room again. I jumped on the soft mattress and hugged my fluffy pillows. "I miss you so much guys!"

Jimin and Hoonie awkwardly stood at the doorframe. I chuckled getting up from bed, "What are you standing there for? Come on in!"

"So? What are we gonna do in here?" Jiminie asked in a soft voice.

I thought about it deeply before snapping my fingers, "I got it! Let's play video games!"

"I would want to decline but I've got no ideas so video games it is." Jimin shrugged. I clapped my hands and dragged them to where my monitor and gaming console was. You never heard about a prince playing video games before? Big shocker then, I'm not like any other princes who does horse back riding nor learning about how to hold a tea cup right for hobbies, nope! I stay inside my room, sleep, play or just sit on my throne all day. Heck I wouldn't care about butt cramp!

I handed them both a console. "You guys, know how to play this right?"

The two males shook their heads slowly, "What?! Video games is life, how can you not know it?!"

"Have you forgot? My family is poor, it's my first time holding stuffs like these." Jimin frowned, looking at it experimentally, flashing me a duh look.

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