Royal twenty-two

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Here I was, standing behind people I didn't know. Standing on the humungous ball room of the palace which I never noticed before. Everyone seemed so fancy and elegant. Oh yeah, what did you expect Jimin? This was the prince's wedding. And honestly, the worst day of my life.

I fixed my blue tie and my black suit, the fake flower on the top left pocket of my clothing nearly falling. My mom forced me to wear it and even had me fixed my blonde hair. Little curls here and there, it was actually nice.

"Jimin, I saw some of my co-workers at the corner. I'm gonna leave you here alright?" My mom interrupted me from my thoughts. I only nodded my head, not caring, I really wasn't on the mood today.

"And Jimin?"


"Just... trust Yoongi on this. Alright?" Mom patted my shoulder, flashing me a familiar smile before leaving me.

Now I was totally alone. Great. The reason why they were gonna get married inside the castle was because Yoongi didn't want the attention so they set it up here instead to make it more private. And after the wedding, a grand ball is gonna happen so that's that.

I felt a light tap on my shoulder, I looked back in curiosity. "Taehyung?"

"Oh hey! Didn't see you there!" He grinned and pointed his finger at me.

"Uh... you just tapped my shoulder."

"Did I? Right, I did. Sorry, a bit out of it today." He laughed softly. More like out of it always.

"Why are you here? Are the others here as well?" I asked him, looking around the blue-and-white themed ballroom. Everything is blue and white apparently, kinda reminds me of him. Why did the wedding had to be using this theme color?

"Duhh! Of course! We're here to watch our greatest achievement!"

"Greatest what? What did you guys do?"

"Oh we just—"

"Taehyung! Oh my god! You dipshit, were on in five!" I heard a voice call. An angry man stomped his feet on our direction.

"Jin hyung?" He was in a white tuxedo slightly similar to Taehyung's. Wow, this is a surprise.

"Oh hey Jimin! Can I borrow this dork for like ten minutes? We have something important to do. Okay bye~!" He waved goodbye as soon as he greeted. He then pulled Taehyung away leaving me confused. What the hell is going on?

"Jiminie hyung!"

I saw Jungkook running to me with a wide smile, carefully not bumping to any of the guests. I waved back at him not equally enthusiastic. He huffed as soon as he reached me. "Are you ready?"

"Uh, for what?"

"For the big surprise dummy!" He chuckled and pulled my arm as we walked through the crowd of people.

In a table not so far from us, I saw Hoseok and Namjoon talking to each other, more like discussing of some sort. Hoseok paused and flashed me a smile when he saw us approaching. "Jimin! So glad you could come!"

"W-what's going on?" I asked quietly.

"You'll find out~"

The wedding bells rang when the lights blacked out catching the attention of the people. The golden door opened, revealing a handsome prince wearing a fine velvet blue suit and golden shoulder tassels. I could feel my heart beating so fast, what is this? I saw Yoongi majestically walking with a straight posture and chin held up high.

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