Royal eleven

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"So that's why princey– is sulking right now." I explained to my mother who was having trouble catching up.

"Uh, can you please explain why again sweetie?"

"Because we're having the annual camping for us students next week. This year, we're going to Gwangju and since princey here is being the prince he is, is having a mental breakdown. I tell you mom, he can't even live an hour there— no, I bet you my life he won't last for five minutes." I laughed and stared at the guy who was half-dead across me. His head lying on the table.

"Oh dear, it's not that bad to camp. It's a lot of fun! Jiminie has tons of experiences in the wild, he can help you survive!" Mom tried cheering him up which lead to failure, of course.

Princey whined and lifted his head up sluggishly. "I don't want to go! Is there any way I can skip this activity?"

"Unless you don't want to graduate, then sure! Princey, the camp is a requirement for all of us and besides, campings ain't that bad. You can even have fun!" I excitedly clapped my hands and banged them on the table afterwards.

"He's right Yoongi, everything will be alright! Jimin will be always there beside you, don't worry!" Mom smiled warmly and patted his back.

Suddenly his face turned extremely happy while snapping his fingers catching our attention. "Right! I mean Jimin is technically my boyfriend, we can do cliché things like watching the stars cuddling on a blanket in a night picnic, kissing on the boat, eating marshmallows AHH!" He squealed in glee.

My eyes went wide, "W-what?!"

"Wait Jimin, did I hear that right? Y-Yoongi's you're boyfriend? The prince?!" The woman beside me asked, her eyes going wider.

I vigorously shook my head, "Hell no! We just had a deal that if he enters our club, I'll date him! It's not considered as an official boyfriend!"

"Oh shush Minnie, we already kissed twice and cuddled many times! We even have a son damn it!" Yoongi hissed and went back on cheering on how excited he was. "I can't wait! I can't wait! I'm gonna go pack my stuffs right now!"

"Yoongi dear, it's still a week away!" Mom yelled but the latter didn't stop. I grumbled and gripped into my fork, ready to stab the shit out of that guy. When he was completely out of sight mom flashed me a smirk. "So, I have a son-in-law and a grandson? Why didn't you tell me?"

"MOM! I do not like him like that!"

"Sure sweetie," She gave me a short wink. "When will I get to see my grandson?"



This is the worst day ever!

"Oh! Can you see that! There's so many trees!" He clapped his hands like a child pointing out the window.

"Yeah, sure." I uttered uninterested, reading the same page, on the exact same phrase, of my book for over twenty times now.

"Woah! Damn! Is that a waterfalls?!"

"Mmm, yep." I didn't even bother to look at what he was pointing at.

Thing is, we were at the bus and unfortunately, I had to sit beside him cause well, we're technically boyfriends. And according to him, that's what couples do. And that's not even half of it. He keeps on blabbering things, pointing at useless figures like it was the most fascinating thing ever and unfortunately, annoying the hell out of me. I can't even move on a single page on my book!

We have been traveling for about an hour and never did wanted to die instantly in my whole existence! We still have four more hours to travel and I think I couldn't hold myself much longer around this unbelievable prince of the country.

"Oh look! I see the most gorgeous princess in the whole planet reading a book and frowning so adorably! It's too cute for my heart to handle!"

"Listen princey! Shut your trap or I'll whoop your— wait why are you looking at me like that?" I furrowed my brows when I saw him smiling at me weirdly.

"Like I said, looking at the most gorgeous princess in the whole planet."

I slammed the book I was reading and placed it on my lap. "I. Am. Not. A fucking princess."

"Maybe you aren't now but you will be after the graduation." He wriggled his eye brows before laughing slightly.

"I swear, I'm gonna murder–"

I paused when I felt his warm lips sticking to my forehead. His chuckle was audible while I stared out in an open space, shocked at his action. "You must be tired and not to mention annoyed, sleep now."

He plugged his earphones on his phone and shoved a piece inside my ear, blasting a soothing music. "Lean on me, your neck will be sore if you don't."

I slowly obliged, not wanting to argue further. Because I was really starting to get tired from him. I flutter my eyes close after yawning softly and let the music be my guidance to dreamland.

"P-please! I swear we will pay you back next month!"

"Next month?" The man laughed. "You've said the same line last month when I came back. It's over Park."

"No I'm begging you! We have no where else to go! This is the only thing we have!" My father yelled, on his knees, looking up to the man.

My mother held me, cupping my ears to avoid hearing the noise. However it didn't work, I could still hear it. I was crying and couldn't do anything at all. I watched the man's people beating up my dad as he only winced in pain, not fighting back.

"S-stop..." I mutter to myself, sobbing lightly.

"Give me my money now!" The man yelled. Dad was about to pass out because of the continuous punches they were throwing at him. I couldn't dare to look at him, not like this. "Okay, if you don't, I'll just take your wife and son instead. They look quite valuable."

My eyes shot open, mom pushed me behind her back. "N-no please! Take me! Leave our son alone!"

"P-please don't hurt my wife and s-son... You could kill me but don't you ever hurt them." My dad managed to utter. The man shot him a deadly glare, pulling out a gun on his coat.

He laughed and pointed the weapon at him, "My pleasure."

N-no... dad. Dad!


"Hey! Minnie, wake up! It's just a nightmare." I opened my eyes and breathed heavily. My face was sweating and my eyes were tearing up like waterfalls. I glanced at the guy beside me who had a worried look wore over his face.


He froze when out of the blue, I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face unto his chest. I cried hardly, sobbing like a kid. I don't care when he's gonna tease me for this, but I just need someone right now. I felt his hand drawing circles on my back, comforting me. "I'm right here Minnie..."

"Y-yoongi." I sobbed, a hiccup coming out of my lips. He hummed in response. "Don't leave me..."

He nodded his head, lips planting on my sweaty head. "I won't, I promise."

"Don't leave me."

Why Yoonmin? WHY?! If I manage to get a genie in a bottle, I'd immediately fucking wish for all of my ships to come true and come out in public and make Yoonmin adopt me.

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