Royal nineteen

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"Yes, okay Sungcheol! Goddamn it! Before I change my mind!"

He flashed me a small smile before patting my shoulder. "Thank you prince. Also, I advise you to call Park Jimin and tell him about your – date. It's best if he knows."

I bit my lip anxiously as he handed me his phone, I slowly took it and watched Sungcheol leave while giving me a slight nod. I dialed Jimin's phone number and nervously stare at a corner when it ringed. "Hello?"

His angelic of a voice was heard. I'll miss hearing this.

"Uh Jimin?"

"Oh princey, where are you?"

"Well, t-the thing is... I can't come to our date Jimin, I-I'm sorry. Something came up at the palace."

"What?! I baked us cookies, which I rarely do by the way, and even prepared the whole living room! And you're telling me you can't come?!

"I-I'm sorry!"

"Well at least tell me why! There must be a valid reason for this."

"I-I'm being arranged for a wedding. I'm gonna meet the princess tonight, said it's for the good of my country." I closed my eyes preparing for the worst. The other line went silent that sent the scares up to my spine. "J-Jimin?"

I hear him chuckle. "Great, then go. Just when I started to like you... but I guess it's better that way, so you can get the hell out of my life. Good riddance, princey."

Then the call was cut off. I wanted to cry at that moment, why did it have to be like this? My illusion-fantasy to marry the greatest person in the world was starting to become a reality and then this happened! Now I'm stuck with a north princess chic who may or may not be the death of me! And the worst part is, she's a fucking girl!

"Your highness, the Shins have arrived."

I sighed and forced myself to smile. Sungcheol stood beside me as we wait for the guests to pass through the doors. They entered finally walking at the aisle between the line of maids who were bowing for their presence, and revealed a fine young woman dressed in an emerald dress. Oh damn, she's beautiful.

But Jimin is way more gorgeous.

A few of their worker, who were quietly trailing behind the family, stood behind the princess as an angelic smile appeared on her lips. "Greetings, it's a pleasure of mine to be meeting you prince Yoongi," She made a bent her knees and bowed letting her long curly hair flow down.

"The pleasure is – mine." I bowed back, my one hand behind my back and the other reaching for her palm before kissing the back of it softly. I quickly went back to my standing form.

"I didn't know the prince of the south was this handsome." She flashed me a smile. I smirked before nodding my head, of course I was.

"Thank you, I've always known."

She paused and frowned as if she was waiting for something. "What?" I asked innocently as if I didn't know what she was talking about, which I didn't by the way.

"Aren't you gonna compliment me back?"

I didn't know the princess of the north was a bitch.

"Was I supposed to?" I gave her a smug look, wanting to slap her guts out. I only met her for twenty seconds and she's already frustrating me to death.

"Well, of course! What are my efforts for, for dressing up so prettily for you?"

Tsk, Bitch.

"You're uh... fine? I guess."

Her smile climbed up again on her lips and thanked me happily. "I'm Suran, Shin Suran."

"I see, so shall we eat dinner now?" And get this fucking over with?

"We shall." She giggled, taking my arm and hooked hers with mine. It made me gawk inwardly. I can't do that in front of her people, it's disrespectful. And I'm a polite, civilized, raised-to-be a gentleman guy.

I escort her to our elegant dining room, a large golden table at the center with sparkling chandeliers. The aroma of freshly cooked expensive meat, fancy sweets and freshly picked fruits was in the air. As the gentleman that I am, I pulled her seat for her to sit on, Jimin would be so proud of me.

"Thank you opp– I mean your highness."

"It's okay, you can call me oppa." Eww. Jimin should be calling me that. Wait, Are royal families even allowed to say 'oppa' or anything else to another royal family?

"Alright oppa!"

We started to eat our food like classy and rich people that we are, with pinkies raised and wiping our mouth with a table napkin every five seconds. I almost forgot about my table ettiequte for the past five months of my absence here in the palace. And boy, how I wish my food would come to life and eat me whole. I only nodded my head forcefully, hearing Suran's stupid endless blabbering which I wasn't paying attention to. She was annoying the shit out of me! When will this dinner end?

"So I have heard you are quite the genius at Min Empire High, got the looks and the brains I might say." She giggled, wiping her lips with a napkin – again. She seriously were the only one speaking nonsense in the table. How is she even a princess?! Was she not taught to shut the fuck up while eating?

"Yes, I don't usually show my inner intelligence but let's just say a certain someone changed that." I glanced down and smiled thinking of Jimin and how he usually tutors me after every lesson we take.

"I see,"

Then she continued to spat random shit stuffs once again. Ugh! Are all the North Koreans this annoying? And worst of all, I have to deal with this for the rest of my life! I want to stab myself with this bread knife in my clutches! Actually, let me just stab the daylights out of her instead and go to Jimin and marry him and we'll live a happily ever after! Is that too much for a prince to ask?

"We should hang out this Friday oppa! You see there's this mall I always go to for Royal families like us and we should go there!" She squealed and clapped her hands together. I wanted to roll my eyes at the noise she was making, she's hitting my last nerve. "People should see us together since we are technically gonna be the next king and queen of the country, they should see that we are a happy couple!"

"I can't go, I have club activities to do." I simply replied, preventing myself from actually stabbing her. That's it Yoongi, make up genius lies! I just don't wanna go with her and her annoying ass.

"Aww, that's too bad! Well I hope we can some other time." She frowned ever so uglily. Bitch you think you look cute like that?! Jimin is way cuter than you effortlessly and he doesn't even realize it! "Oh maybe we should–"

I stood up slowly, keeping my cool down. Her parents seemed to be surprised when I suddenly pushed my chair behind. "Maybe I should go home now, it's getting pretty late. You better leave as well, your majesty, it would be a long flight back to your land. Thank you for visiting and good—" I was about to bow at the king and queen when that stupid girl cut me off in the middle of my sentence.

"Oppa, didn't you know? We're gonna stay here together for the night!"

What. The. Fuck?!


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