Chapter 1 (Sherryl's P.O.V)

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Sherryl's P.O.V

"Hello! Is this swing taken?" A boy asked "No it isn't. Please sit with me."  I said. "I'm Forrest. What's yours?" He asked in his squeaky voice. "My name is Sherryl." I said. "Come on. I want to introduce you to my brothers and my new baby sister."  Forrest said. We ran to Alex and Andre with our little legs and feet. "Hey Forrest, who is your friend?" A boy with bushy blonde hair asked. "Andre, Alex, this is my friend Sherryl. Sherryl, these are my brothers, Alex and Andre. In that stroller is my new baby sister Lily." Forrest said. "Hi there. Your brother is very cute." I told Alex and Andre. 13 years had past. Me and Forrest are now 16 years old and in high school. It is spring break here in Vermont. I am going to my family's house in New York, which is Spring over there too. Me and Forrest are best friends, in case if anybody was wondering. After my parents and I arrived at my cousin Gina's house, we greeted everybody. "Sherryl, do you like Forrest?" James, my little cousin asked. "James, we're just friends right now." I said. "Oh." James said. After, we went to my grandparents' house to stay there for 2 days. I layed in my bed that night thinking about the question James asked me earlier"Sherryl, do you like Forrest?" I kept thinking. Maybe I do like Forrest more as a friend. As of right now, I am not sure whether to tell Forrest that I like him because that will waste our whole entire friendship. Forrest texted me two minutes later. Hey Sherryl, I miss you a lot. So does Lily and Molly. I can't wait to see you after you spend two nights with your grandparents. Maybe we can hang out? Sleep tight! Love you best friend. Forrest :)The text message read. I replied: Miss you too! You sleep tight as well my dear friend. xo Sherryl. I plugged in my phone, put it on vibrate, and went to bed. I kept thinking about the question James asked me. Maybe he is right, I do like Forrest. 

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