On a fine weather day... at a Dental Clinic
It is time to remove the teeth braces--- retainers cycle for almost two years!
(Video: ctto)
Inside the big, wide, happy and healthy mouth....
It was popping with joy and cheers! The teeth braces where no longer attached to the entire set of teeth!
Yes! Yay! Finally!....Hooray!... Loud sound of laughter...echoed - perk up the ambiance.
As everyone's glee were expressed spontaneously! As the set of strong and healthy teeth, tongue and its tastebuddies, upper and lower gums and jaws even those tonsils as well - all cheered.... free from being compressed for more than a year!
Tastebuddy (Bitter- grumpy voice) said: AtlasT ! No more metal-like bitter taste! ...hooohooo
Tastebuddy (Sour- grouchy voice) said: Yep!... not much of sourness tastes for almost a year!.. I thought that I was forgotten! hehehehhe
Fang 1( high-pitch- fierce-like voice) said: And that all of us here in front is a MUST and should always be aligned with each other....but hey!.. 'twas worth it though!
2ndMolar 1( lonely- bass-tone voice)said: So when that time for IG moment thingy comes ....photo opt...all of you in front will be in its best pose' ... hahahahahaha
Mr Tongue (a jolly tenor voice) said: Right.... and it is the start of solid intake... and not much of 90% smoothie, slurpy, gulp-gulp, sipped, sucked, soupy , blended or mashed ... plus the nevah ending 10% sludgy saliva....
And all the Tastebuddies in happy chorus said: 'nuf of those kinda'- medicine like tastes.... It is time for some real tastes of real food delights!.... The real deal!... Yay!
WisdomTooth (a perky melodic voice) said: Listen friends... that's what it is... we just have to take it and just do our thing... that's what life is meant for us... for all of us ..... though it take some time for acceptance and change.
(Video: ctto)
FrontTooth 1(like a jolly white man husky voice): We all knew why those braces where put on ...right.... for bettah' placement or alignment .... for a beautiful smile and chomp too!
"Chestah and the Toothache"
Kısa Hikayeglamb3ar3e creative world presents Children's Bedtime Stories - recommended for ages 12 and beyond It is about a boy who has a sweet tooth. ..... his tooth... his set of teeth....and what life is all about.