Part Seven

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It was a fine afternoon... snooze time!

The big-wide-healthy-happy -mouth just finished eating  ... 

Inside the big-wide-happy-healthy mouth ... 

It was quiet and the ambiance of  solace was present....   the mouth-buddies just got started to relax after their midday shift duties...


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Tastebuddy (Bitter- grumpy voice) said: Wheew... time to lounge  ...hooray!

Tastebuddy (Sour- grouchy voice) said: " yeah... or for some bonding time !

Tastebuddy (Umami- happy voice) said: Yeh..... quality time!

Tastebuddy (Sweet - High-pitched perky voice) said: Sweet moments... sweet talks.... 

Tastebuddy (Salty- baritone voice) said: Real talk you mean Tastebuddy-Sweetie..

Mr Tongue (a jolly tenor voice) said: hehehehe.... indeed!

Fang 2 said (like a high pitch crazy old man's voice) said: So... are you all ready to mingle and social...bwahahahaha

Tonsil 1( perky- sultry voice) said: heeheehee... looks like all are in....

Fang 2 said (like a high pitch crazy old man's voice) said: "Wait... not sure yet if these lips are going to smile.... just a sec my lovely friends...

FrontTooth2 (like a jolly black man raspy voice): "Oh.. nah'.. this big-wide-happy-healthy-mouth is napping... 

FrontTooth2 (like a jolly black man raspy voice): " Ooohhh.. yeh' we can start now...

Tonsil 1( perky- sultry voice) said: heeheehee...   yeh' mean Harold-the- mouth deary....

Fang 1( high-pitch- fierce-like voice) said: so really excited to just super lay back and chill  relax ... as I hear everyone's tale....

WisdomTooth (a perky melodic voice) said: ''--- alright everyone... the last question was who's chestah right?

Tonsil 1( perky- sultry voice) said: yeh.. that was the parking question we all had...  

Mr Tongue (a jolly tenor voice) said: hehehehe.... indeed!  

WisdomTooth (a perky melodic voice) said: ''---  it was during those times when I was still inside the vibrant pink colour  healthy gum...

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