The Great Wall||Tom

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I hope you guys like this one a bit🙂
China. You couldn't believe you were going to China with Tom, Harry, and Haz. It had been a dream of yours to go to there someday but, you'd never thought it would have been with a celebrity boyfriend and his best friend; it had just been yours and Tom's first year anniversary and honestly, you couldn't be happier. Although he's working out to stay in shape, he always makes sure to never leave you alone or not hang out with you. He's just the best person you've ever met and you are so grateful to have him.

"You ready, love?" Tom asked you, hugging you from behind and planting a kiss on your cheek. You giggled at his gesture.

"Yeah, I just can't believe I'm in China!" You laughed as Tom smiled at you; he held your hand and went into the car with your boyfriend, Harry, and Harrison. As you sat there, staring out the window, you thought about a few things. It had been a lil' dream of yours to visit China but, you had never thought you'd find yourself going with your boyfriend, let alone have him be a celebrity. 

Taken out of your thoughts, Tom's hand squeezed yours and he smiled at you. He was clearly making sure you were alright since, you hadn't said anything since you all left the building. 

Finally arriving at The Great Wall, Harry and Harrison began walking and taking pictures; Tom had lept out of the car holding your hand. The whole way, he held your hand, made jokes with you, and just stayed by you the whole time.

One thing you enjoyed the most was making fun of your boyfriend. The whole was he stared at the scenery, in complete awe by it and you laughed.

"Hm?" he tilted his head and looked at you.

"It's nothing; you are just too funny with the way your looking at the view." You laughed and Tom pouted.

"(Y/n), why are you so mean to meeeee~ I thought you loved me~" He pouted and sniffled like a three year old.

"Oh gesh, Tom, you know I'm kidding; I love you very much." Laughing again, you kissed his cheek.

With all the fun you had with Tom walking up the historical wall, he, Harry, and Haz started taking pictures once more. You sat in-between two stones looking at the view below; the grassy meadow, tall mountains over-looking it all, and the wind shaking the trees and blowing your hair. It was quite peaceful and you decided to take a picture of your feet above the meadow below. Pleased with the picture, you put your phone back into your pocket and stared back out into the lovely scenery.

"Darling?" You turned around and saw Tom standing there, holding out his hand. Taking it, he led you to a bit of a hidden area; Harrison was standing there talking to Harry as you walked by.

"Okay, stand there." He said,"Don't worry, I'll hold you."

He held out your arms and grabbed onto your waist; Smiling, you put your arms down and leaned into Tom. Little did you both know that, Harrison and Harry took picture of all of this.

Facing Tom, he leaned in and gave you a sweet, yet passionate kiss that you both didn't want to end. Pulling away, you both heard fan-girlish laughs from Harry and Harrison, which made the four of you burst into laughter. Once you all pulled yourselves together, the four of you looked at all the pictures and new memories created together. 


Alightyyyyyyy! I hope you guys really liked this one cause, my friend laughed at me for the idea of having a Titanic moment.

I thought it was pretty cool, gesh, smhhhh :)

Also, I don't know what happened but, this published, then unpublished, and lost everything I had written. Sorry about that everyone ://

I hope you guys enjoyed that and again, sorry for a late update; I've been a bit busy and preoccupied with school but, I will try my best to update on time.

Love you all and thank you guys for 1.2K!!!


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