Accidentally In Love||Peter

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Mkay, friendos! So while I was thinking of an imagine to write, I heard a song called 'Accidentally In Love' and I was like: I HAVE A GREAT FREAKING IDEA!!
Tony Stark's daughter was never shown to the world; you always wanted to go to school with other kids your age but, never got to. Since you were able to walk and talk, you were homeschooled. The only time you were able to go out was with Pepper and Happy; To be honest, it wasn't that much fun. Not only did you want to go to school but, you wanted to be able use your (Super Power) to help people.
One day, one of your wishes came true! Your father would be sending you to a science school called 'Midtown School Of Science and Technology'
{'it's not a onesie -_-' time skippp}
"Are you sure you want to go?" Your father asks you.
"Dad, c'mon! Let me live a little; bye, dad" you left the tower and went to school. You loved New York but, you always loved Queens the most.
Walking into school, you bump into a brunette boy and you both fall.
", I'm so sorry!" He exclaims,"Are you okay?"
"Um.. yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm okay." You laugh as he stands up and holds out his hand; you take his hand and stand up. While standing there, you looked into his soft, kind brown eyes, his smile, and everything about him was adorable; He let go of your hand and said:
"Oh, I'm Peter. Peter Parker." He smiled again.
"I'm (Y/n) S-" You stopped,"(Y/n) Snow."
"Nice to meet you, (Y/n). You are new here, right?"
"Yeah, yeah I am. Can you help me find my classes?" You asked looking down at your schedule. Peter took a look at the schedule and it turns out that, you have four classes together.
"Alrighty! Let's head off to our first class, chemistry." He laughed and walked beside you. While walking to class, we were joined by another boy named Ned; Peter, Ned, and yourself immediately became friends over everything you liked, science, Star Wars, video games, and etc.
{'She bought me a churro.' Time Skippp}
The three of you sat next to each other as class began.
"So, we have a new student; Come up to the front of the room, please." The teacher looked at you as well as the rest of the class.
Once you were up in front of the whole class, the teacher had you say your name and where you moved from.
"I'm (Y/n) Snow and I moved from Upstate New York."
"Be nice to (Y/n) and help her find her way around. Thank you, you may sit."
During class, you and Peter were whispering to each other; you were bored, knew all this already, and just wanted to talk with Peter all day.
{'Mr. Stark might need me.' time skipppp}
It was the end of the school day and you waited until everyone was on buses, so you could peacefully walked to The Avengers Tower. Once arriving at the tower, Jarvis greeted you; You went into your room and left things for your father to sign in his office.
"Miss.(Y/n), you have a visitor." You nodded and Uncle Steve walked into your room
(This takes place during Civil War soooooo, you are on Cap's side)
After Uncle Steve invited you on his side of the fight against your father, you gladly accepted; he took you to meet the rest of the team.
Pretty much when you met everyone, it was time to suit up.
Peter's P.O.V
I couldn't refuse an offer from Mr. Stark! I've had these spider powers for about 6 months and now, I get to fight some of the Avengers; so awesome! Although I am worried about school, I couldn't help but think of (Y/n). There's something special about her and I can feel it; every time she smiles, I feel butterflies in my stomach. I don't want to believe that I am in love with someone I just met but, I feel like I should just let it lead. I can't get distracted and I have to impress Mr. Stark.
(Back to your p.o.v)
Steve had to you to hop into the fight when tension started to rise. You were hiding behind a container listening to the conversation until, you heard your father say:
You saw a quick, red flash fly by Steve, tie up his hands, and take his shield. Knowing that this was tension, you flipped into action next to Steve.
"(Y/n)..." Your father glanced at you,"what are you doing here? You aren't-"
"I'm not a child anymore... I should be able to use my powers to benefit others." You cut him off.
"It doesn't have to be this way, (Y/n). You don't have to fight." Natasha looked at you.
"It does and I will fight." Steve put his tied together hand above his head, as an arrow shot his hands free.
Both sides began running toward each other, ready to fight.
You faced off against the Spider-Boy. He wasn't half bad at fighting but, you were an equal match; the fight between you and the Spider-Boy carried on for a while.
"Give it up already, Spidey~" you teased,"You can't beat me that easily." He winked at you and slid toward you. Taking advantage of the situation, you slammed your foot on his chest, not bothering to use your powers but your strength, and held him there. Bending down, you grabbed ahold of his mask and began pulling it off.
"W-wait a second, (superhero name)!" He exclaimed as you pulled off the mask completely.
Your eyes widened,"Pete?! What are you thinking?!"
"Your Tony Stark's daughter?!" You looked down and nodded your head; surprisingly, Peter hugged you.
"It's okay, (nickname)... I don't care who your dad is, you are still (Y/n) to me." You smiled but, the moment was interrupted by..... Hawkeye.
"You guys should kiss!" He said and continued battling.
You were both left there blushing...;)
This was actually so bad.... I'm so sorry you had to read this horrible update but, it seemed like a great idea until I started writing. I hope you guys still enjoyed?
Well, okay..
You guys are absolutely amazing! I can't believe we have 300+reads already; I have the most amazing time writing these imagines for you guy to enjoy. All the love and support has really helped me through everything that's going on with me. So I just wanted to say that, I am truly thankful for you, your books, and your support. I know I thank you guys all the time but, I actually can't describe how thankful and happy I am to have you all. I love you all very much❤️❤️
See you in the next one, loves~
P.S. Requests are always open, munchkins! You can leave then in the comments, talk to me on my profile, and message me.

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