Tom and Tessa are so freaking cute~~~! Enjoy the chapter, Munchkins💙 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It was an early morning. The hues of red and orange filled your shared room with Tom. The two of you had been dating for two years and it was the best two years you could ever ask for. You opened your eyes to see orange fill your view. You groaned quietly but, Tessa had heard you; She hopped onto the bed and began licking Tom's face. "Tesssssss." Tom drags out in his rough morning voice. Tessa walks over to you and sits beside you; The Blue Staffy wags her tail happily as you pet her. As you were petting Tessa, Tom silently sat up without you noticing, and hugged your waist. "Morning, love." He said gently. "Morning~" You replied turning toward him with a smile. He gave you quick peck on your lips and stood up, knowing he had to get ready to leave on his flight. You began getting dressed as well, since you were going with Tom. Filming for Tom's movie, Spider-Man: Homecoming, was beginning the day after Tom, Haz, Tessa, and yourself would arrive in America. As much as you were overjoyed that Tom was playing your favorite superhero and getting his own movie, you knew you'd hardly see your boyfriend.
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You out on your favorite black jeans, a grey shirt, a sweatshirt, and Nike sneakers. After you got dressed, you headed into the bathroom, brushed your teeth, and put on some light makeup. Once that was completed, you over-heard Tom in the kitchen and decided to see what he was doing; He was cooking the only thing he knew how to cook, scrambled eggs. You thought it was quite cute that he'd trying cooking for you so, you let him; Silently, you went back into your shared bedroom and began grabbing the luggage, both of your backpacks, and Tessa's bag as well. You grabbed yours and Tom's carry on the couch; you put everything else near the door and you, sat down on the couch beside the carry on's, and looked through Instagram. "(Nickname)," he called out to you,"your quick breakfast is ready." You grabbed your plastic bowl filled with scrambled eggs, threw your backpack on your shoulder, walked Tessa to the car, and walked through the door to the cold, chilly air. Tom followed behind you with his breakfast, his backpack slung over his shoulder, and holding the suitcase. {A swinging time skip} You, Tom, Harrison, and Tessa were boarding the private jet. Waiting to board, you were glad you had worn a sweatshirt or else, you would have frozen. When you all got on the jet, Tessa was unleashed from her leash and roamed the jet; Harrison's went and set up his sleeping area. Tom with the same idea as Harrison, set up his shared sleeping area with you (just imagine that the thing Tom is sitting on, is a bit bigger.) After setting up, Tom sat underneath the covers on the sofa-bed thing and Tessa hopped onto it, laying on his legs. You chuckled at the sight and took a picture of them two. You walked by Tom to go into the bathroom but, you were pulled by your waist. You let out a little squeal and heard Tom laugh while holding you in his arms;he released his grasp on your waist but, you stayed there laying down beside him. Your head and hand rested on his chest as you cuddled into his side. {a sleep spiderboy time skippp} It was ten minutes before the jet landed is when Harrison woke you both up. The plane had landed and you were already in your way to the apartment Marvel rented for you, Tom, and Harrison. In LA, it was 8:00 and you were jet lagged; you ended up falling asleep after unpacking your clothes and other things. {one week later~(I'm writing letters nightly; now my life gets better every letter that you write me-...)} (Hamilton anyone? Lol) You had barely seen Tom since you had arrived in LA; Since he was filming, you thought to go see him during lunch but, the security said it would 'distract he actors'. Since then, you hadn't tried going to go see him again. Whenever he would come home, it was late at night and he'd crash on the couch so, he could leave quickly in the mornings with no noise. You missed his warmth and couldn't wait until filming was over. "Haz," you said out loud,"we should do something. Like go out and enjoy ourselves for a bit." "Uh, sure! Sounds fun." Harrison smiled. "To the beach!!" You yelled and ran into the bathroom to get dressed. You were at the beach all day soaking up some sun, playing in the water with Tessa and Harrison, and just enjoying yourselves. Finally returning home laughing and smiling, Tom was sitting on the couch drinking tea. "Tom?!" You said. "Hey, love." He said with a smile and hugged you as Tessa ran around barking with glee. "Haz, c'mon. Join in on this hug!" Tom said pulling Harrison into the hug. After pulling away from you and Harrison, he sat on the ground petting his puppy. That night was filled with joy and happiness; you were glad Tom was able to leave filming early that night so he could hang out with you and Haz. The three of you grew tired and decided to head off to bed; Tom didn't have to film tomorrow so, the three of you and Tessa could go do some fun things. You walked out of the bathroom to find Tom laying down on the bed waiting for you. You smiled and made your way over to bed bed. "I'm sorry I haven't been with you guys, love..." Tom said sadly as you laid beside him. "It's okay. We know you are busy and we understand."You replied trying to comfort your boyfriend. He smiled and pulled you into his arms; his head rested on top of yours as you hid in his bare chest. You kissed his cheek and hid in his chest again. "I missed this." He said out loud,"I missed you and your vanilla scent." You giggled and said,"I missed you too. The security wouldn't even let me go see you!" You heard him laugh and kiss your head. "I don't have to film for three days; I get three days to spend with my best mate, my pup, and my love. The people I missed the most." "Goodnight, Spidey~" you said sleepily. "Night, (nickname)." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Omg..... this was actually my favorite thing to write. Lil' smol Tom and you miss each other cause he is so busy; ah, so cute~! This on was quite long but honestly, I needed to be long. I hope you guys are doing well and enjoying the book so far! Requests are always open! Message me and I'll make it happen as best as I can. Love you guys, ~Percy💙