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The sound of music and laughter surrounds me. It's nice when you're in the mood, but tonight it's strictly business.

At least that's what I told myself.

Instead of gathering intel, I'm sitting at the bar with ale in hand. The best ale I've ever had in fact. It's so rich and velvety as it travels down your throat, and the warmness that settles as it hits your stomach could send you into a dizzying sleep.

After the last glorious gulp, I decide that's probably enough for tonight and hop off the wooden stool.

Not the best idea.

My legs wobble beneath me as I grip the bar for balance.

"Ma'am?" a tender voice calls from far away, I lift my eyes to find the source. "Ma'am," nevermind, he's in the stool next to me, "do you need help out of here?" Is this guy twelve or what? Maybe he's here with his father or something.

"No, I'm alright, thanks," I wave him off as I gently rise. The door is so far away and seems to float even further the longer I look. Oh wait, I'm falling.

I hit the floor face first.

"Are you sure you don't need help out of here?" It's that boy again.

"No, really, I'm fine," I say, though it's a bit muffled as my face is still flat on the cold stone floor. He picks me up by the arm and we falter for a second as I muster some balance. He's half my size so there's really no use, but I let him carry out this 'noble act of kindness'.

We narrowly dodge tables full of people around, and pulling a few humorous remarks from them, my ear catches the words of a very interesting conversation.

"You don't really believe that, do you? I mean, it's been over ten years! There's no way." A couple of armored fellows had their heads bowed, almost whispering. They must be guards or something. It really doesn't matter, I need to find somewhere to rest. The door is just a few feet away now.

"It's hardly possible THE captain of THE Seven Deadly Sins is some bar owner on a hill," a brown-haired guy reasons. Alright, that settles it, I've got to hear more. Luckily, a group just left the table next to them. I take the chance and hobble my way over to sit down.

"I think I'll sit here a while, sober up. You can go back to..uh..whatever it was you were doing."

"If you're sure," at that, the boy heads back to his stool at the bar. Now, back to these guards.

"I'm telling the truth here! Listen to me, Millard!" A few customers turn their heads at the sudden outburst.

"Shh! Just...calm down alright? I'll listen."

"The tavern owner has got to be Meliodas. Just look at the poster." The rest of the table turns to study the wanted poster, as do I.

"Yeah, that's a grown man, Halvard. The owner doesn't look any older than 15," Millard reasons. He sounds a few years older than Halvard, and he's right. Meliodas looks to be over twenty, not much older than me, actually.

"Now look at the owner, but imagine him ten years older," Halvard persists. I turn my head along with the rest of the guards, and my jaw drops. He's right. Add a few feet and years to his face, this could very well be the captain.

"No," Millard states absolutely, "I still don't believe you. I think you've had too much to drink. How's about we head home? Eh?" He takes a hold of Halvard by the shoulders and walks him out while the others follow behind. I slowly face forward, and almost jump out of my seat. Too caught up in my own thoughts, I didn't notice the presence in front of me. He's standing right there. Meliodas. The captain of the Seven Deadly Sins.

"Uh, can I...h-help you?" I manage to speak above a whisper. I did not sign up for this.

"Well, I've got a very annoying piggy waiting for these scraps-"

"Hey!" A boar with a clover on its rump is standing just behind Meliodas. Maybe it's the ale, but I could have sworn it just spoke. Speaking of scraps, there're no more than a few bites taken from these pies. What a waste.

"So, if you're done here..." Meliodas says, scratching his head.

"Oh, yeah, of course. Yeah, let me get out of your way." Standing up too quickly, I bump my hip on the table, but I barely feel it. I need to get out of here, now. "Thanks for the ale!" I yell behind me as I burst through the exit.

The chilly air of the autumn night sobers me as I collect my thoughts, bent over and hands on my knees. I just met the most powerful man I know of in Liones. Did he know what I was doing there? Does he know that I know who he is?! No, no way. Right? I mean, it's not like he can read minds, I think.

A yawn erupts from my mouth. Ah, I'm too tired to think about this right now. Too bad there's not an inn for miles. I could really do with a bed right now. Maybe there's an empty cabin somewhere...or a cave. Though the thought of another dark, dripping cavern almost has me heading back inside.

~ ~ ~

The moon is right above my head now. I study the stars, wondering why I haven't run into a trail by now. I'm pretty sure I'm going the right way... it was that star, right? Or was it a constellation? Growling in frustration, I realize I'm totally lost.

"AWOOOO!" A wolf in the distance calls to its pack.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid," I quietly repeat as I slap my fist on my forehead trying to remember anything useful from that navigation book. Now I'm probably going to get eaten by wolves. What's worse, the buzz from the ale has worn off and the cold has settled. Maybe sleeping in a tree won't be that bad.

~ ~ ~

It was totally that bad.

God, my back has never known such pain!

"Have mercy on me! Kill me now!" I wail to the sky.

"Only if you promise not to haunt me," a voice declares from beyond the trees. Adrenaline rushes and I jump in response and find myself in a defensive position, muscles tense and ready for any attack.

"Who's there?!" My voice a slight tremble. The first thing I see is a head of spiked white hair, then two broad shoulders nearly two feet taller than mine.

"No one to be concerned about. What are you doing out here?" As he speaks, my eyes flit back up to look at his face.

"I should be asking you that, ya weirdo," he's half-naked!

"Weirdo?" The slender man looks down at himself as if he's got no idea what's wrong.

"Yeah, what do ya want? Money?" He laughs, scaring me half to death with the sheer volume. Then suddenly turns serious, piercing me with his gaze.

"I'm not robbing you. Why? Got something I want?"


"Then get out of my way," his voice cold with intent. I don't hesitate in stepping aside, he is really scary after all. Almost seven feet tall and lean with muscle. Not too bad looking either. I can't help but watch him walk away, practically floating with confidence. Then he twists his head back, catching me staring. My face instantly turns red and I look away, incredibly embarrassed.

"Weirdo," then he just walks off, humming some tune I don't recognize. Guess I deserve that one.

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