Cold (lemon)

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Ban's POV

She's so cute when she sleeps. I chuckle quietly as I notice the little bit of drool that's falling from her mouth. I don't bother to wipe it. Sigh, I forgot to ask her name, not that she'd tell me her real one anyway.

We arrive at the small sort of cabin I found abandoned. It's surprisingly in decent shape with a dinky, little fireplace made of stone. I'll have to go get some firewood later so this little flower doesn't freeze to death.


I stretch when I wake, and groan as my back aches from sleeping on, I look under me, a thin bed on a wooden frame. Where am I? I can't see a thing further than my arm length. I wish it wasn't a new moon tonight, the only bit of light illuminating the area is the starlight.

I wrap my arms around myself as I start to shiver, then realize there's a blanket on the bed. Pulling my knees up, I wrap the blanket tightly to trap the little bit of body heat I have left.

How did I get here exactly? I...I think I remember meeting someone...oh! That stupid jerk, leaving me here in the cold. Alone. What the hell am I supposed to do?! I have no idea where I am, and it's not like I'd make it anywhere. I'd freeze to death before I could walk ten feet. I curse myself for not wearing warmer clothes. I could have at least wore a decent coat...

As I'm sighing from my lack of common sense, the door opens. I jerk my head up at the sudden rush of cold air to see Ban standing in the doorway, the sun starting to rise behind him.

"Morning sunshine," he smiles once again, "cold?" 

"What do you think, dumbass?" I start to shiver again.

Ban finally shuts the door and says, "Would you stop being so bitchy if I told you I brought wood?" He sets the pile of lumber by the fireplace I can now see a little more clearly.

"Maybe, but how are you gonna spark it?" I crack a small smile at my remark, but it didn't last long as I realized I'm just gonna stay cold.

He sighs and says, "You have a point... didn't think about that one. Usually the Captain is the one carrying around matches." 

"Great, now I get to freeze to death with an idiot like you."

"Hey," he stands, "I'm not that bad. Besides, we could always lay together to keep warm." He's walking towards me now and I can't help but blush at the thought of being so close to him. I silently wish it's too dark for him to see my face. Before I could protest, he's already sitting on the bed and getting under the blanket with me.

Once again, I shiver at the surprising amount of heat coming off of Ban. "Why the hell are you so warm?"

He just shrugs and says, "I don't know, I've never really had a problem with the cold."

Ignoring all inner protests, I shift a bit closer to Ban. I don't care anymore, I'm freezing. He wraps one arm around me and I close my eyes relaxing even more. I start to drift to sleep and feel myself wrap both of my arms around Ban's waist. He tenses a bit but I don't draw back, I don't plan on giving up this heater.

I can feel his leather jacket in my hands, it's softer than I thought it would be. Ban starts to move away but I hold onto him even tighter, giving a small groan of protest. 

He gives up and wraps his arms around me then pulls me down to the bed with him. I wake up a bit when he does. What is he doing?

"If you're gonna be clinging to me for a while, I at least want to be comfortable." Ban has me tight against his chest and my arms are trapped between us with the blanket still covering us both. "Hey, I never asked your name. What is it?"

I mumble, "Y/N."

"Hm, that's a weird name." Oh, I'm awake now.

"It's no weirder than yours! I've never heard of anyone else named Ban, but I've met at least three other people with my name!" I'm looking straight in his eyes now.

"Don't get so worked up love, I didn't mean to offend you," he laughs at this, and I can feel the shake of his chest against my own. Now, suddenly very aware of our closeness, I blush again.

I see his eyes glance down and now I know he saw my face redden. "Oh, I really did get you worked up," a grin spreads across his face. "S-shut up."

"Sure thing," then he's moving his face towards mine and I start to panic. I make the stupid decision to just move my head up and his lips land on my neck. Fuck, that feels good. Expecting him to stop when he realizes it's not what he was aiming for, I'm a little surprised when he starts sucking and biting.

I'm biting my lip now to hold back the small moans threatening to escape. It doesn't work for long when he moves down and starts kissing where my neck and shoulder meet. My moans are now filling the room and this makes him suck harder. I can feel the heat rise between my legs and I rub my thighs together for friction.

"B-ban, what~ mmm~ are you doing?"

He stops in between kisses to say, "Shutting up."

"This isn't exactly what I meant."

"I could stop," he pulls away just a bit and waits for my answer.

All I can do is whine at the lack of attention, and he takes this as a cue to continue. He starts moving down now and pulls lightly at the hem of my shirt. I pull it over my head, and I'm sure it's no where near gracefully sexy, but Ban doesn't get to watch my disaster because he's taking off his jacket.

I take a second to look at him, starting at his hard chest and slowly traveling down while tracing him with my finger. When I get to the top of his pants I hook my finger in them and slip my hand inside, only for Ban to grab my wrist.

I look up at him, questioning. He asks, "Are you sure you want to do this?" His eyes are completely clouded with lust now and I understand he's asking for me.

I bring my face to his and start to softly kiss him. Ban puts his hand on the back of my head making our lips press harder, as if he can't get enough. He bites my lower lip and I let out a small moan which allows his tongue to enter. With his mouth exploring, he lets go of my hand and puts his around my waist.

I let my hand wander downward until I find his half hard cock.

(A/N) This will be continued in the next chapter MWAHAHAHA ╭∩╮( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮

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