Smelly Drunk

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"Wow, Ban, you're amazing," I say thankfully. I may have just found the man I want to marry.

"Glad you liked it, Y/N," he's smiling at me like I just gave him the world. Seeing him smile makes me smile as well. With my stomach stuffed and an incredibly warm atmosphere, I start to feel myself doze off no matter how hard I try to fight off the Sandman.

Yawning, I say, "So, where's my bed?" My head lays itself on the table and my eyes start to drift close. I didn't get much sleep last night because of some unexpected events.

"You'll be sharing a room with me, flower," Ban responds while picking me up by my shoulders and legs. Too tired to argue that I'm perfectly capable of walking myself, I fall asleep in Ban's arms.


I wake up after an odd dream of a vampire/werewolf hybrid chicken playing dodgeball. Wondering what time it is, I head downstairs. The tavern is full of customers and Elizabeth is waiting tables. She's quite clumsy for a princess. Looking around the loud, crowded room for Ban, I feel a tug on my shirt.

"Heyyy, purtty -hiccup- lady. You a waiiitresss too? I'd like t-teh see ya in one of them outfits." The large, smelly, very drunk bum standing in front of me is gesturing to the uniform Elizabeth is wearing.

"As if, asshole. Back off before I-"

"You all right?"

"Ban," thank God, "apparently manners don't apply to this guy. What kind of pick-up line was that anyway? Rubbish!"

"I ought teh fink it was good enou' teh get you in a room wit me." His yellow toothed grin turning my stomach.

"Look bud, to avoid me getting more pissed than I already am, let's get you out of here, alright?" Ban says while gripping one of the bar seats so hard his knuckles are white and I can hear the splitting of wood.

"An' whoo are -hiccup- ya teh be talkin' teh me like that?" Geez, this guy can barely hold himself up. I should try and get Ban calmed down before something happens.

"Maybe I should take it from here?" Meliodas steps in front of Ban in an attempt to get his attention off the guy in front of him.

"Yea, captain, maybe you should," Ban says a bit distant, still holding his steady gaze on the drunk load of dirt swaying a few feet away. Meliodas waves us off as he's trying to get the guy out without shoving him. I had assumed Ban was a jealous guy but I never thought he'd get so angry so quick. Though it was a bit scary, I kind of liked it. I should go thank Meliodas for stepping in when he did. When I look back to where Meliodas had been ushering the drunk out of the door I couldn't find his blonde head anywhere. Oh well, I'll make sure to thank him later.

(A/N The next chapter is almost finished. I'll probably have it posted tomorrow unless something crazy happens. Later my dudes.)

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