Ruff Stuff (lemon)

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I head upstairs to the room I share with Ban and sit by the window after changing into a t-shirt and sweatpants. I must have slept quite a long time because the sun is setting. Living here won't be so bad. It's much better than renting dusty rooms infested with roaches and rats. Being here is like dying and going to heaven compared to where I was before.

Footsteps could be heard coming up the steps. That's probably Ban coming up here to cool down. After that little show downstairs I wouldn't be surprised if he breaks the doorknob. Fortunately, Ban did not break anything when he entered.

"Oh, hey, Y/N," Ban says after he's sat down on the bed.

"Hey, hothead." I can't help but tease him. I'd like to see him flustered and blushing.

"What was that?" He raises an eyebrow, waiting for me to correct myself.

"I said, hey, hothead." No way I'm backing down from him, he's not winning this time.

"Alright, why don't you come sit by me?"


"Just come sit over here, dork."

"Fine," I don't like that smirk on his face. When I try to stand, I can't. What the hell? "Ban? I can't stand... you better cut that out!"

"Oh, come on, can't you just lift yourself up? It's not so hard," he stands and sits back down. Arrogant bastard.

"Ban, give me my strength back."

"Why should I? You look so adorable struggling."

"So help me, I'll kick your ass!" Ban has picked me up from the chair I was in and set me on the bed. He starts kissing my neck and bites me hard enough to make me yelp.

"Be a good girl and don't move for me, ok?" When I don't answer right away, he squeezes my ass, causing me to giggle.

"Ok! Ok...God, so impatient. Not like I have a choice anyway," I say, as I smile. Ban gives me a peck that's too short and moves back to working down my neck. When he reaches the collar of my shirt he bites my collarbone harshly and slowly, teasingly, pulls my shirt off of me. Sucking, biting, and licking all the way up my torso.

"Could you move any slower?"

"Mm, now who's impatient?"

He doesn't speed up at all. When he has my shirt completely off he ties my wrists to the top of the bed with my own shirt. I test his work with a tug and find that I can't move my hands at all. A shiver runs down my spine from the excitement. I never thought I would find someone so wonderfully dominant.

I'm now shirtless and tied to the bed with a predatory Ban hovering above me practically drooling. Oh, how perfect this moment feels.

"I'm going to fuck you so hard you'll scream loud enough for Camelot to hear you."

"Promise?" He smirks at my response and rakes his nails down my side to my sweatpants.

"Promise." Another shiver goes from my spine to my toes as he tugs my pants off. When he's thrown them to the floor he brings his face back up but stops at my soaked underwear. If he was drooling before, it was nothing compared to now. He looks like a lion about to pounce, and it just makes me that much more wet.

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