Marks of Affection

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I should probably control myself a bit better when I'm with Y/N. I'd feel like a complete dickwad if I caused her any undesirable pain. (*wink wink*)

When I get to the bottom of the stairs I notice it's a little too quiet. The bar is completely empty. This is especially odd because it's a Saturday night, one of our busiest days of the week. Not to mention my special meat pie is only served on Saturday.

"Uh, Cap'n? Where is everyone?" Meliodas is wiping down some glasses behind the bar and Gowther is the only one still sitting at the tables.

"No one could stand listening to you fuck Y/N, so they all left. Now all of my customers are gone, thanks to you! I've got to make money somehow you know," he gives me a wink and sets the glass down.

"Sorry about that, Cap'n. Won't let it happen again," I say with a grin.


It should come as no surprise that Ban heals quickly, but it still weirds me out a bit. Wait a minute, that means all of those hickeys I gave him won't show! What a shame...


"Oh! Geez Ban, don't scare me like that," my heart had picked up a bit and I had my hand on my chest.

"What were you pouting about?"

"Well, um, i-it's nothing, really." I can't just tell him something like this. It would be so weird, right?

"Y/NNN, come on. What is it?" He's actually pulling off that puppy face.

"Oh, alright. The thing is, uh, well youhealsoquicklythehickieswon'tstay."

He gives a wide grin and tells me, "Which is all the more reason why you shouldn't hold back."

After he's cleaned me up and given me a pair of his sweatpants and a t-shirt, I head downstairs for a quick bite with him close behind. I must've looked a mess because Meliodas gawked at me for a few awkward seconds, only turning his head away when Ban cleared his throat.

"There anything good to eat? I'm starving," I announce.

"I made a meat pie earlier, would you like some?" Ban informs me.

"Of course," I say with anticipation and drool pooling in my mouth. Ban heads into the kitchen to retrieve a piece, so I take a sit at the bar.

"Could you pour me some water, Meliodas?"

"O-oh, sure," he pours a glass, not meeting my gaze the entire time.

"Meliodas." He jumps at the sudden, stern call of his name.


"Why aren't you looking at me?" At the moment, Ban walks in with my pie.

"He won't look at you because of the hickies."

"Wha- oh God," I say as a look of horror spreads across my face. I must be covered in them. To rid myself of further embarrassment I run straight upstairs to Ban and I's room to cover the evidence.

It's ten minutes later and no amount of make-up can cover up this mess. What am I supposed to do all day?! It looks like I've been strangled... I guess I'll just have to deal with the unwanted attention.

Snatch (Ban x reader lemon)Where stories live. Discover now