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he sees you cry

Lip: your aunt passed away two days ago and you were heartbroken. She was like a mother to you and she treated you like you were her daughter. And now, you've been laying on your bed, crying and sobbing. Then Lip comes in your room and sees you crying.

'Hey hey, it's okay.'

'She's in a better place now and she's watching over you.' He says hugging you tightly while you cried.

Ian: bullying, you had enough of their bullshit and you were hurt by those words/insults. So now, you're crying in the girls bathroom and then, Ian suddenly comes in.

'Hey, what's wrong?' He asks you concerned and he whipping your tears away.

'The bullying, you know, I had enough. I'm so sick of their games now and I absolutely hate that." You say and he hugs you.

'Forget about those fuckers, they're not worth it and fuck 'em, you're beautiful, smart and sweet.' He says and you smiled.

'Thanks Ian.' You say and he smiles at you.

'Now let's skip school and get ice cream.' He says and you guys skipped school.

Mickey: You and Mickey were drinking at the Alibi until, Terry came in the bar and punched you for no reason, well there was probably a reason. He was beating you up until, Mickey pushed him down and started beating his dad till he was passed out on the floor. You had a busted lip, probably a black eye and your stomach was hurting so much because that's where Terry kicked you. Then you ran out of the bar and you burst into tears. Mickey followed you out and hugged you tightly.

'Hey it's okay, you're gonna be okay. That prick isn't going fucking near you anymore, okay?' He said kissing your forehead and you nodded.

Carl: you had your periods and your cramps were hurting a lot. And now, you're watching the walking dead, eating ice cream, laying down on your bed with a messy bun and hugging your body pillow because this episode was very sad. Your favourite character was about to die and you kinda burst into tears. Then Carl comes in your room and sees you crying.

'Hey baby girl, why are you crying?' He says sitting in your bed and you continue to eat your ice cream.

'My cramps hurts and Glenn is dead.' You cried shoving ice cream in your mouth and he chuckled.

'I wish boys had periods, not girls.' You say and he kissed you passionately.

'Cuddle with me.' You say and he cuddled with you, watching Glenn's death which was very depressing.

fuck, Carl's preference is literally me rn!!

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