forty two

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Lip: You were holding the pregnancy test in your hands and you were scared what Lip will react.
'What if he leaves me ?' You thought negatively and your heart was beating hard. The door opens in your bedroom and you quickly hid the pregnancy test behind your back.

"Hey Lip, h-how are you doing ?' You nervously say and he smiles, taking his coat off.

'I'm good,' he raises his eyebrows and you sighed deeply.

'Listen Lip, I gotta tell ya something.' Your heart was now beating more fast.

'What's up?' He sits down and you bit your lip.

'I'm pregnant, please don't leave. I-I can get an a-abortion if you w-want me too.' You say stammering and he stands up quickly. You started to cry and he hugs you tightly.

'Hey Y/n, this is amazing. I'm gonna be a father, and y-you're gonna be a mother. I'm happy that you're pregnant, I want this baby, our baby.' He whips your tears away and you looked up to him.

'Really ?'

'Yeah really.'

Ian: you had morning sickness and you had weird cravings, so you went to the doctors. He gave you a pregnancy test and it came out positive. You were happy and scared at the same time because you didn't know what Ian will react. You tried to think positive but negative thoughts came through you.
You knock on the Gallagher door and Fiona answer it.

'Hey Y/n, Ian's up.' She lets you in and you smile at her.

'Thanks Fiona.' You kindly said and you went up the stairs. You went to Ian's room and he was laying on his bed.

'Hey Ian ?' You softened your voice and he sits up.

'Hey love, what are you doing here ? Aren't you supposed to be at work ?' He says and pulls you into his lap.

'Uh I wasn't feeling well, anyways, I came here because I wanna tell you something.'

'What is it ?'

'You know I had these morning sickness and weird cravings?' He nods and you sighed.

'Well, I'm 9 weeks pregnant.' You felt even more anxious and he was speechless.

'Please say something.' You whispered and he begins to smile.

'Holy shit !! Are you for real because you better not be fucking with me ?' He shouts and you nodded.

'Yes ! I'm gonna be a father !!' He yells and he kissed kinda roughly.

'What should we name it ?' He says excited.

Mickey : You missed your period last month and you always had morning sickness, and Mickey noticed that you always seem to be sick in the morning. So he took to the hospital and now you're waiting in the room. He was sitting across you and you were anxious.

'I swear if you have cancer, I'm fucking beating up the doctor.' You gave him a weird look and he only looked serious.

'Mick, I don't have cancer dummy.' You say and he ignores you. Then the doctor finally comes and Mickey mumbles 'finally'.

'Miss Y/l/n, you had these morning sickness and you missed your period last month, am I correct?' The doctor says and you nodded slowly.

'Well, it's positive. Congratulations, you're pregnant.' Your jaw dropped and so did Mickey's.

'I'll let you two talk.' The doctor leaves the room and it was completely silent.

'You're pregnant, with my child.'

'What should we do ? Are we keeping it or...?' You sympathetically said and he stands up.

'Fuck yeah!! We're fucking keeping this fucking child!' He yells and you quickly shushed him.


'We're totally naming this child Mickey Jr.' He says touching your belly and you raise your eyebrows.

'What if it's a girl ? What are you gonna name it ?'


Carl : It's been a month since you knew you were pregnant and it's been killing you because you haven't told Carl yet and that made you scared. So you decided to tell him today and text him to come over to your house. The windows opens in your room and it was Carl.

'So, what's up babe?' He says in his gangsta voice, grabbing you by the waist.

'I gotta tell you something, something that is great but bad at the same time. So.. listen, remember when we had sex and you didn't wear a condom?' You say and he nods.


'You're pregnant.' He cuts you off and you look at him.

'I knew you were pregnant because I saw the pregnancy test in the bin. I thought it was one of my sisters first but they said they weren't pregnant at all.' He sits down on your bed and you nodded slowly.

'Are we k-keeping it or should we look at other options?' You asked him nervously and he looks like he was thinking.

'Let's keep it, I mean after all, that's our baby. Because in the future, we will regret adopting her or him. And I already fucking love this fucking shit head.' He says getting up and he touches your belly.

'Carl!' You playfully hit him in his arm and he kissed you passionately.

"I love you.'

'I love you too.'

woah, this took me a while to write this.
by the way, happy thanksgiving!!
ugh can't wait to eat my grandma's turkey!!
she literally makes the best turkey ever.💕

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