Ten: Texts

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Bucky💢: i still don't understand the emoji

Riley☠️: it's the closest thing to a red star
Riley☠️: when are we going to hang out again I haven't seen you in like two weeks
Riley☠️: I miss your cuddles

Bucky💢: I miss you too darling
Bucky💢: your audition was yesterday, how did it go?

Riley☠️: I think I did really well, to be honest
Riley☠️: I'll know if I got it later this week
Riley☠️: I really hope I get

Bucky💢: you never told me what the role was for

Riley☠️: and I can't tell you
Riley☠️: I'll tell you when I know if I got the role or not

Bucky💢: *when you get the role

Riley☠️: thanks for trying to reassure me babe

Bucky💢: I'm not yelling Bc you called me babe
Bucky💢: you are

Riley☠️: You always call me stupid pet names

Bucky💢: stupid???
Bucky💢: pui

Riley☠️: okay now I know you called me a chicken

Bucky💢: This is gonna be an odd request
Bucky💢: can you send me a picture of yourself?
Bucky💢: I miss you

Riley☠️: Aw Seb
Riley☠️: baby
Riley☠️: I miss you too

Riley☠️:  Aw Seb Riley☠️: babyRiley☠️: I miss you tooRiley☠️:

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Bucky💢: have I told you how beautiful you are??

Riley☠️: only every day since we started talking
Riley☠️: I appreciate it, Sebastian

Bucky💢: come over this week

Riley☠️: this week?
Riley☠️: to your place?
Riley☠️: I'm feeling excited

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