Twelve: Groupchat

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world's THICKEST heroes

Lil bean💙: Lottie has something to say

on your left: what's up gorgeous

Lil bean💙: Mackie that's my line😤

Merica🇺🇸: ooh you're gonna tell them?!

Nat Widow🕷: Chris actually kept a secret?
Nat Widow🕷: i am surprised

Tony Stark💥: what's up lil darling

Lil bean💙: that's how she's saved in my phone

Lil darling💛: thanks for the intro seb
Lil darling💛: I actually have two things to say

Arrow guy🏹: two things???

God of thunda⚡️: ooh this seems interesting

Lil darling💛: Well... Sebastian finally asked me to be his girlfriend
Lil darling💛: and I got cast to be in the next Captain America movie as one of Bucky's old girls

Dr.Hulk👨🏻‍🔬: wow Sebastian grew a pair

Lil bean💙: hey! I was scared I mean have you SEEN her??

Merica🇺🇸: hope we get a cool storyline

Nat Widow🕷: oh shit! Congrats on both

Lil darling💛: I hope so too Chris
Lil darling💛: thanks, Scar, can't wait to work with you
Lil darling💛: @ seb
Lil darling 💛:

Lil darling💛: I hope so too Chris Lil darling💛: thanks, Scar, can't wait to work with you Lil darling💛: @ sebLil darling 💛:

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Lil bean💙: @ Lottie
Lil bean💙:

Tony Stark💥: is this how they flirt??

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Tony Stark💥: is this how they flirt??

Merica🇺🇸: yes, I've seen their texts

on your left: aw she's his Robin

Lil darling💛:

Lil darling💛:

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Lil bean💙:

God of thunda⚡️: did they just send the exact same gif?

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God of thunda⚡️: did they just send the exact same gif?

on your left: we love a ship

Nat Widow🕷: You guys are adorable

Lil bean💙: come over I need cuddles

on your left: WGAT
on your left: DID HE HUST

Lil bean💙: shit
Lil bean💙: wrong chat
Lil bean💙: sorry angel

on your left: I've officially lost it

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