Mark - Attraction

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Vampires. Some people view them as mystical creatures, beautiful. Some people fear them like they are monsters. Well I'm basically obsessed with vampires. Their eyes are beautiful, their fangs sharp and deadly, and lets not forget their powers. I love studying vampires not that i seen any in real life but a lot in movies though. They don't exist its all just a fairytale but i really want to be one. Fall in love with one but will they love me or my blood?
[In school classroom]
???: "Y/N!"
I turned around and saw Amber my best friend run towards me.
Y/N: "Hey Amber, what yo-"
Amber: "Have you heard about the new students coming in? They are one year ahead of us though but I heard that they're cute."
You always teased Amber for being tomboy, seeing her this excited about guys feels...weird.
Y/N: "Our Amber cares about guys too that's a first. Better take part in a lucky draw definitely winning the first prize."
That earned me a hard slap on the hand from Amber. But if Amber says they're cute they should be good looking right i mean she doesn't even like the school's most handsome guy and he's not a playboy either it should not affect how Amber views him. Gosh this girl just makes me want to meet them so bad.
Suddenly, the class door swang open revealing two guys, they look new and their dressing though gosh we're going to school not a model runway. And may i add they are real cute but relax no one screaming or anything, the girls in our class are pretty chilled the most we heard are just whispers from a few girls. The boys sighed in relief when they saw that the teacher wasn't there yet. Knowing that they're new, our class chairperson, Kai, told them that our teacher that teaches us English is always late and introduced himself. The boys thanked him and introduced themselves too i think they were called Yugyeom and Bamlater After what seems like a long time, our teacher came in and greeted the class. Seeing that there were new students in the class and being the over enthusiastic teacher that she is, she decided to let our lesson be a ice breaker period. NO LESSONS YES!! After the lesson ended, we all headed to our next class PE. Me and Amber stayed in our clothings as the teacher said that we will be having a theory test on handball so we made our way to the Computer Lab. When we reached me and Amber went to our usual seating arrangements but weird enough there was this one guy that was sitting at my seat just playing Overwatch while the seat beside him is empty which belongs to Amber. I was confused and just stand there looking at him as i wanted to sit with Amber. And did i mention that students who are a few years above us also attend the same lesson as us when it came to sports? When he finally looked up at me when his game ended he looked so confused. CUTE. Sensing that the atmosphere was awkward he started speaking.
???:Oh erm.. Hi I'm Mark.
His voice is literally perfection its so deep and cute at the same time.
Y/N: Hi Mark, I'm Y/N, do you mind if i switch places with you i want to sit beside my friend.
Mark: Ya Sure!
He dresses like a badboy but acts like a gentleman. Good job Y/N the first time you meet him and you are already requesting something now he's gonna think you're a brat. I mentally facepalmed myself and was squealing while knocking my head on Amber's shoulders. Suddenly i heard a chuckle from the back and turn behind, it was Mark. His faced turned pink when he noticed that i was looking at him.
Mark: "I'm sorry. Too loud?"
I just returned a smile while my faced turns red.

She looks cute and smells sweet, all these humans are making me crave for blood so bad i just can't wait to get go home and drink a cup of blood. I wonder how the rest of them are doing I'm so bored taking this stupid test. Just then, I heard her squealing and couldn't help but chuckle. When she turned around and looked at me her cheeks were red i couldn't react and just blurted out whatever i could. Well at least she gave me a smile good enough.
[At Got7's Place]
BamBam: "Mark Hyung! What are you doing?" He asked while peeping at my phone screen.
Mark: "Nothing much, just adding some people on Instagram and Twitter." More like trying to find that one girl today.
Just then i came across this account that seems like hers.
BamBam: "Mark Hyung, you know her too? She's in my English class. " So it is her.
<@marktuan requested to follow you on insta>
I was scrolling through pictures on Instagram when a notification popped up. Mark? Oh him. Who would not follow this cute guy? I accept his request and followed him back. Which he accepted quite quickly. I went and checked his feed. To my surprise many of his post is Vampire related. Does he like Vampires too? Or he could be one his skin looks so pale. Not many people would be so obvious about their love for vampires i mean we were always told since young to not mention about them. And this became the start of our friendship.
❌❌❌❌❌2 years later❌❌❌
Mark: "Y/N!"
Y/N: "Mark! What are you doing here?"
Mark:"I need you to come with me. We're going to the dorms."
Y/N: "But I'm working and the cafe is busy."
He showed me his puppy eyes and i mean who could resist, not me. So i asked my co-worker to take my shift today so she could have a day off tomorrow.
Y/N: "What is so important that you have to drag me out of work?"
I asked him when he suddenly turned around and held onto my hand.
Mark: "Do you trust me? We're bestfriends right? If yes, then just follow me."
I just nodded and followed him silently until we reached the dorms. Mark is always bubbly and cheerful its weird that he seems so worried out of a sudden and he seems more pale than usual. When we reached the dorm, Mark shut the door and pushed me against it. I was shocked, he was never so rough with me.
Y/N: "Mark? Are you okay? Where are the others?" I asked with fear as i scan the empty dorm.
Mark: "They went out so we could have some time together." He said while he slowly walk towards me and trap me between him and the door. His eyes were different, it was no longer that beautiful hazel brown that i was used to but it was a shimmering red with golden linings. And his teeth no they were fangs. Realization hit me, he is a vampire. But the vibe he gave off was one that sent shiver down my spines. He leaned closer towards my neck and whispered softly "Just one bite Y/N, I promise I'll stop." He pierced his fangs into my neck and started sucking on my blood. I started to feel weak and tried pushing him away from me but he didn't budge, his hands went behind my neck and tilt my head to the side. Tears started flowing down my face. He didn't stop like he promised. I felt weak and started closing my eyes when my eyelids were getting heavier by time. Is this the end of me? Dying in the arms of my best friend that i wished we could be more than that. Was our friendship a lie? Does he only want my blood? Maybe love is not something that is possible for a vampire and a mortal maybe all fairy tales are fake.


So this is it i don't know if i should leave it as it is or should i do a part two? Tell me what you think 🤔 I'm kinda dying to end it with a happy ending though but I'll let you decide. Till next time 😘

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