Jackson-Next Song

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[??? POV]
"What's up guys! Thank you Ahgases for your never ending support! So to thank you guys, I will be holding a competition and the lucky winner will get a chance to be part of my next song. All you have to do is to record a video of you covering anyone of my songs and use the hashtag #IMadeIt. All the best! Ahgases I Love You!"

"I can't believe out of all days the car decides to break down, it had to be today." I groaned, slamming the boot of my car shut. I had an interview today for a part time job that my friend introduced me to but guess what? My car decided that it would be great to just suddenly stop working. I took out my phone, ready to call for tow services but my phone started ringing. "Hey! Where are you? The interview is staring soon." My friend shouted at me over the phone. "Car died." I said, exasperated. "Oh dear! It's your turn now what do I do?!" She panicked over the phone. "Just tell them that I can't make it and all the best for your interview. Love you!" I said before cutting off the phone not even caring for her reply. I was too tired of all the things that had happened today. I dialled the tow service and waited until they arrived.

~Time skip (At home)~

Seriously, can this day get any worse? Apparently my car is too old to function and they suggested that I should get a new one. I'm not working now, there's no way that I'll be able to pay for another car with just my Youtube channel that I post my covers of song and maybe some of my songs that I never made public. Suddenly, there was a notification that popped up on my phone that says 'Jackson Wang posted a video'. I clicked in immediately, considering that Jackson was one of my favourite artist thaf manages to brighten up my day. "Oh my god! No way!" I exclaimed after the video. Jackson is holding a competition and the winner gets to meet him and be part of his next song. All of the events that happened today went over my head and I ran into my mini studio (well more like a bedroom with some a microphone and computer stuff). I sat down on the chair and started wondering which song I should cover. "Which song should I cover? Made It or Papillion?" I sat down there trying to decide but I still couldn't make a decision. In the end, I decided to cover Made It but I wanted to do something different. Being a songwriter myself, I wanted to add something in the middle of the song that really shows my personality. I sat down and started writing out some lyrics that I think would fit the song. "This won't do. Not this either." I said throwing all of the drafts away. "Why is it so hard?" I said placing my head in my hands. I leaned back into the chair trying to calm myself down. I closed my eyes and tried my best to think of something. Just then I had an idea. I got my microphone and camera out, getting ready to film. I pressed the record button and started recording. "Hi guys, today I'm doing a cover of Made It by Jackson and I'm trying something a little different today, I hope you'll enjoy it." I said into the camera and started singing. "We should get some chills. Pullin' up in the brand new wheels..." After the first verse, it was time for me to sing the lyrics that I have written. "Ya, we all we made it." I sang the last line and said bye to the camera. Well that wasn't so bad. I posted the video and added the hashtag. I hope that I'll win, I mean who doesn't, they get the chance to see Jackson Wang.

[Jackson POV]
"It's time to go through all of the entries." My manger said as he motioned me to his work desk. I started looking through the videos and I must say all of them are very talented but I feel like something is missing. That was until I came across this girl, she covered my song Made It but it was little different. She seemed to have added her own lyrics into it and honestly the song felt complete. "I've chosen the winner Hyung." I said jumping excitedly. "Okay, we'll inform her." My manager replied and left the room. I can't wait to meet her, there's something about the way she sings and the aura she has that intrigues me. I'm sure she'll fit my next song.

It has been a week since I posted that video and there have been many positive comments from the viewers but nothing from Jackson's company. "I wonder if the winner has been chosen?" I asked myself while laying down on my bed and scrolling through my phone. I had nothing to do today so I decided to head to my mini studio to write some songs. I stayed in the studio for hours and I didn't even realised that I left my phone in my room until I had to use my phone to check the time. I walked slowly to my room and picked up my phone. I realised that I have been tagged by many of my viewers on YouTube so I decided to tap in and check what was with the sudden frenzy. When I clicked in, I realised that everyone was tagging me on a post made by Team Wang. I have been chosen as the winner. I called ny bestfriend immediately to inform her about the good news. "I won! I'll get to meet him!" I shouted excitedly into the phone. "You won what? Meet who?" She asked confused but then she realized what I was talking about. "Damn I knew my girl would win! Don't forget to his signature okay!" She replied. I cut off the phone after saying goodbye and contacted Team Wang. "Hi, I'm Y/N. I saw the post and I was told to contact you guys?" I asked nervously. "Oh yes. Congratulations on winning the competition! The meeting date will be on 2 April, is that okay with you? We will have someone pick you up from the airport. May I know where are you from?" The person on the line said. "Oh yes I'm fine with 2 April. I'm from the UK." I replied. "Okay thank you! We'll send you the informations. Thank you for participating!" We ended the call and I jumped up and down on my bed. "I'm going to meet Jackson Wang!" I shouted at the top of my laughs and I don't care if the neighbours heard me, it's time to celebrate.

~Time skip~

I'm currently at the airport, waiting for someone from Team Wang to pick me up and send me to Jackson's studio. I didn't know he had a studio in LA until they told me to travel here for the recording. As I was wandering around the pick up area, a guy approached me. "Excuse me, are you Miss Y/N?" He asked but his voice was slightly muffled by the mask he was wearing. "Yes, you are?" I asked. "I'm Jack from Team Wang, Jackson is waiting for you on the car."He said, leading me towards a black car. He opened the boot of the car and placed my luggage in it before ushering me into the car. When I entered the car, Jackson was sitting right there. I was starting to get nervous. What does one do in front of their idol? "Nice to meet you Y/N. I watched your video and I really liked it. I'm sorry that we have to rush to the studio now instead of letting get some rest first." He apologised. "N-no it's o-okay." I stuttered out a response, feeling my face starting to heat up. "You don't have to be so nervous around me Y/N." He laughed. "I'm sorry I'm just can't believe that I'm actually seeing you up-close." I said feeling embarrassed. We continued talking for the rest of the car ride and he is so easy to talk to. I learnt a lot more about him and it made me fall for him even more. After awhile, the car stopped and he lead me out of the car. "Welcome to my studio." He said proudly and walked me into the building. We went into this room that had many professional equipments and a few people in there. "Hyung, Y/N is here. Y/N this is my manager and this is my producer." He introduced me to the people there and they showed me the lyrics that I have to sing. We got down to recording immediately. When the recording ended, I left the recording room and headed to the waiting room. "Y/N you did great, I choose the right person. Your voice fits the song so well." Jackson said while approaching me. "T-thank you." I replied shyly. "When are you going back to the UK?" He asked. "I'll be staying here for two more days." I replied looking at me confused as to why he asked me that. "I-if you don't mind can you give me your number? I would like to get to know you better. A-and maybe I could b-bring you around here if you like." He asked with a tinge of redness on his cheeks. Is he asking me out? I simply nodded my head and he smiled. "That's great! I'll send you to your hotel. Let's go! " He grabbed my hand and lead me out of the building.

~Two years later~
"Baby, what are you doing?" I asked while back hugging him. "I'm writing my new song. I just had this sudden inspiration after watching you cook." He replied. "Hahaha really Jackson? After watching me cook?" I questioned while laughing. He turned his body around and pull me towards him so that I was straddling him and said, "Everything about you inspires me baby. That competition was the best thing I've done in my life."

I hope you guys enjoy the story and special thanks to eternalnamjoon for requesting this story I hope you like it, sorry this took so long. 😳

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2019 ⏰

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