Mark - All Mine (16+)

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"Mark! Where are you going?"I asked him for the third time today. "I'm just meeting a friend." He replied annoyed. He have been going out a lot lately, normally he would stay at home to spend time but now he's never around. It feels like he's hiding something from me. When I heard the door slam shut, I immediately ran and put on my shoes, not caring how under dress I was. I followed him until he reached a café. He is sitting alone but he looks like he is waiting for someone. A few moments later, a girl with a mask entered the café and sat opposite Mark. Who is she? She seems familiar. When she removed her mask, I felt a pang of jealousy. It was Joan. What is Mark doing here with her? Mark looked very happy spending his time with her. I clenched my fist, ready to run into the café and beat the crap out of Mark when I felt someone grabbing my wrist and pulling me away from the café. "Let go of me!" I yelled as I struggled to get out of the man's grip. "I said let go of me Im JaeBum!" That stopped him from walking as he turned around and face me, bringing me into his chest. The tears that I didn't know I was holding in came dripping down my face as I laid on his chest. "Am I really not good enough? Does he still love her?" I mumbled against his chest as my tears continues flowing. "Mark loves you more than anything, you know that." He reassured me as he continue rubbing my back in a comforting manner. "I'll bring you home okay?" He asked as he gently pushed me away. I shook my head vigorously, "I don't want to see him, can you bring me to a hotel?" "No way I'm letting you stay in a hotel! You can stay with me for the time being." I hugged him tightly after hearing what he said and thanked him. For the next few days, Mark have been trying to contact me but I ignored all his calls and messages. He tried asking his members where I was but they all refused to tell him. I always made sure to read his message but I would never reply him. "Y/N we're to going to the club, do you want to join us?" BamBam came into my room as he lookes at me expectantly. What if Mark is there? "Mark Hyung won't be there, it's just us." He said as if reading my mine. I just nodded at him as he leaves the room to let me get ready. I chose a black crop top that exposes my back, a black leather skirt that emphasized my curves and a pair of black heeled boots. I'm going to have fun tonight, like a single lady would. As I made my way down the stairs, the boys noticed me and all their faces turnes red. "What? Stop staring at me." I said suddenly feeling embarrassed. "You look really good Y/N." Jinyoung urged as he bit his lips. The rest of the boys nodded. "We should probably get going." Jaebum said as he made his way to the door. When we arrived at the club, there were mountains of people but luckily they are VIPs of the club so we have our own room. "I'm going outside for a moment." I said as I staggered my way out. I might have drank a little too much. When I reached the dance floor, people were grinding up against each other and making out but I danced anyway. I was enjoying myself when I felt a pair of hands sneak its way around my waist from behind. I immediately turned around as I was met with a cute guy. "Long time no see Y/N still beautiful as ever." The guy said as he flashed his million dollar smile. "Not too bad yourself Jungkook." I said as I wrapped my hands around his neck. We swayed to the music as he pulled me closer, face inches from mine. "Let's go outside." He didn't give me a chance to reply as he dragged me out of the club and brought me to a dark alley. He pushed me roughly against the wall while he smashes his lips against mine. His hand holding the back of my neck while the other pulling my body closer ro his by my waist. I was too drunk to even think right now. I kissed him back as I held onto his shoulders. Just when he was about to lift my shirt up, I felt him being pried away from me. When I looked up at the man that interrupted our make out session, I was met with an angry face of Mark. I was about to open my mouth to speak but he dragged me towards his car and he pushed me in roughly, starting the car. "Where are you driving me to? I want to go back!" I whined as he continues making his way towards our house. When we reached our house, he carried me on his shoulders as he slammed the car door shut and locked it. Once we were in the house he threw me on the couch roughly. "What the fuck were you thinking?! Kissing another guy? Did you forget that you have a boyfriend?" He exclaimed angrily as looked down at me, eyes filled with fire. "Ha so you can go around talking to whatever girl you want, dumping your girlfriend at home and I'm not allowed to be with another guy? Come on Mark let's be more fair here." I said sarcastically. Normally I would have apologized if Mark gets angry but the alcohol in my system was boosting my confidence, making me fight back. "So that's what its about? Come on Y/N I thought you are mature enough, she's my ex what's there to react so much about?" He said while punching the couch. "Yes the same ex you nearly killed me for!" I was beyond mad at this point. "That doesn't give you an excuse to go around acting like a slut!" He said while looking into my eyes. I stopped moving as I stared back into his eyes, processing what he just said as tears started making its way to my eyes. Mark seems to have noticed what he said as his eyes immediately soften. "Y/N shit I'm sorry, that wasn't w-" I cut him off as I felt anger rush up my body. "Slut? I'll show you what a fucking slut does." I challenged as I pushed him down the couch with me hovering above him. He looked up at me, shock evident in his eyes but it soon disappears as his eyes turned dark and lust was all that was left in his eyes. He tried bringing his hands to hold my waist but I grabbed his hands and pin it above his head. "You're mine tonight, all mine. You'll follow whatever I say, understand?" I questioned as I started unbuckling his belt and using it to tie his hands together. He just nodded. "Why are you so quiet now? Didn't you have a lot to say just now? Cat got your tongue?" I smirked at him as I sense his anger rising. "I understand." He replied through gritted teeth. "You're so obedient daddy." I chuckled as I pulled his shirt off of him. Let the torture begin.

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