Chapter 2

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Sitting on the couch with “Sam the golden retriever puppy”. I lazily change the channels of the TV looking for a decent movie to watch while eating chocolate cake and some pizza. You can call me fat whenever you want. Stopping to the channel HBO I watch the movie "Battleship". This movie is one of my favorites; I never get tired of the alien shit at all. Watching the part where the ship John Paul Jones got busted with the flying alien weapon thingy, my phone began blunting noise.

I lazily look for my iPhone somewhere in the sides of the couch then felt the thing glide through my hand; I grabbed it and answered the phone without looking at the contact I.D.

"Hello?" I answer innocently without a lace of annoyed or roughness of tone. I don’t want people calling me grumpy old troll.

"Is this my savior I speak?" Rough and hoarse male tone chimed with a deep British accent. I processed the words he spoke then slyly remembered what I did this morning. I didn't know he was British. It explains the genuine lip he has.

I think or maybe not.

"Oh, hey" I reply. Told ya! I don't know how to socialize! The boy chuckles at my reply then said.

"You shy babe?" With a mix of seductive tone, Babe? I’ll babe you ass!

"How did you even know, I'm a female?" I scoff at his remark with a little rough tone, sounding boyish to prove a point.

"Babe has no genders on its definition" He says while slightly chuckling at the other end. His actually right.

"Whatever" I plainly say while thinking of my next reply.

"What's your name? You didn't put it at the note." He finally says.

“I’m not giving you my name; you might track me down and murder me or something." I said.

"That maybe, a good idea too, it’s Harry if you’re wondering."  He said with a bit of a giggle. Is he drunk or something he keeps on giggling.

 Nosy girl I am, I ask.

"So why'd you call?" With a bit of high pitched voice. I never really socialize a lot. I was home schooled and stuff with my Dad, My mom didn't really trust the government but then she lets me go to school, not home school but school.

At least its better then hell.

"Relax, I'm not killing you. And to answer your question, I think you place your number here for a reason" He said with his deep accent. I wonder why he was on the road but I don't ask.

"So, no thank you for me?" I said with a smile.

"Thank you, and hey it’s Harry Styles. If you won't give me your name then fine, and thank you for paying my medical bills it was a big help. I’ll pay you back "He says.

“You’re welcome, No it’s fine!” I say back. He doesn’t need to pay me back; it’s no big deal anyway.

“Are you sure? You don’t sound that convincing my princess” He chuckles. I was about to protest but then I heard muffled voices.

“I’ll be going, Bye” And then his out, I scoff for calling me babe. Well, I will never give him my name until I fully trust him. Maybe, I might see him in my school. Nah, there lots of schools in Portman.

That would be weird if he was in my school.

And, Damn! School is tomorrow! I'm excited yet scared; What if I don't get any friends? I check the time on the clock and it reads 11:54 in the evening. I think I'll have to sleep then. Switching off the TV, I lazily climb the stairs while Sam follows me. Opening the door to my bedroom I let Sam sleep with me in the bed.

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