Where is Nolan? 13

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Hey guys I changed what Marcus looks like so that's what he looks like I hope you are ok with it^^^

Ethan pov

Flashback 12 hours earlier

I was at a party that my friend was throwing I was sitting on a couch with some  blonde chick that was trying to get in my pants . I was not fulling for her games she was talking but I was not leasening because I have this bad feeling. About Nolan some guy came over and gave me at beer but I didn't dirk it I just keep thinking about how Nolan and how he acted to day in the car. I know he was lying and the whole day he was on edge .  Fuck it I'm just going to call him it's only 11:00 he will be up it's a Saturday night . I take  out my phone the girl was still talking god can she just shut the fuck up already. I try to calling him but nothing he didn't answer what the fuck I try again nothing ok now  I'm freaking out he always pick up my phone calls.  Something is just telling me to just go home I get up from the couch I go  looking for the friend that was having the party.  I find him he was already stumped drunk  I told him that I was going home I walk out side to my car. I have this really bad feeling about this I quickly get in to my car and drive home

On the why home I try to calling him again but  still nothing.  I finally get home I pull in to the dive way I quickly get out of my car and go to the front door I go to unlock it but is was already unlock.  this is weird he has this thing he always locking  all the doors and windows.  I open it I can tell something is not right I walk in and the house is way to quiet.  I can usually hear his tv up stairs I fun up the stairs  to his room I see that  his door is shut.  now that is weird because when he is home his door it's always open I walk over to the door and open it.  I should see a sleeping body in the bed or something but nope the only thing is see is a  dark room I walk in and turn on the light but I still see nothing maybe he is in the bathroom? I Walk over to the bathroom it's open and he is not in there  what the fuck is happening right now

I run out of the room and down the stairs I run in the kuchen and nothing then to the living room and still nothing.  Were the fuck is he could he be at a friends house? No he only has one friend so he can't be at Marcus house because he is at the party where the fuck is my brother.  I take out my phone I'm just going to try to call him one more time maybe he did make a new friend and I just didn't know about it.  I'm standing in the living room with my phone to my ear and nothing I don't know what to do.  I sit there for a minute thanking I decided to call my dad maybe he knows where he is.  I try to call him but he didn't pick up why is it the one time I need the  bastard he's not picking up the god damn phone what  should I do? Ok let me just try Marcus.

Will shit he says that he doesn't know where  he is and that he is on his why to my house. He asked if I called the cops I said no ha said I shouldn't until he gets there.  We are going to go looking for him
what if we can't find him what if something bad  happened to him what if someone attacked him or something no no not Nolan. He is a nice kid and the quiet kid he doesn't get in trouble so there isn't a Way that someone did something to him he is nice to everyone.

I was sitting in my living room in my thoughts when I hear a big knock on my front door it was so loud that it made me jump a little bit.  I get up from the couch and walk over to the door I unlock it and open it.  I see it's  just Marcus I sighed deep down I hoped it was Nolan but sadly it was Marcus. "Oh it's you" I say not a second later he pushed me out of the way and walked in to the living room.  "Ok guys hahah you got me what a funny prank" he said loudly  wait what he thinks It's a prank? " Marcus  this isn't a prank I don't know where Nolan is" I say to him he turns to face me. " So you're saying that you don't know where he is" ok I know this guy is stupid but come on " really I don't know where he is I was hoping that you knew where he was." I say to him he just shakes  his head " so where should we start looking for him? " he asked after a minute of silence. "I think we should start around here and we can't find him look more away from the house " I say he nods his head then we left the house.

We look all over for him and nothing we can't find him anywhere we " what should we do" he asked me as sitting down on the couch " I think it's time to call the cops."

Flashback end

that was 12 hours ago and the cops can't find him they tried to track his phone but it  wasn't  working.  12 hours my  brother has been missing I'm scared because the cops think that maybe someone kidnap him.  But who would do that he is the nicest guy I know and I'm not just saying that because he is my brother.  He also my best friend I don't think he knows that but he is we talk everyday I'm suppose to go back to school tomorrow but they say come back when everything is work out. I'm not going back until they fine him my dad is coming home now he is on a plane.  And then there is Marcus he Has not left my house this this whole time sometimes I think he likes my brother in different ways and he say he is but it's not the time to think about that.  I just want my best friend back why would someone do this to him........... to be continued

Hey guys Angela here I hope you like this chapter if you did please leave a comment and a vote will bye-bye for now....................

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