Chapter 30

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A/N: 18K!! Thank you guys so much for 18K views. I have never had one of my fics get to 18K while in progress. So glad you love this little story. I'm thinking it might end at Chapter 40 but we'll see. :) 

Maya POV

The next morning I got up before Cailyn did and successfully got us both packed for our trip to Texas. I could hardly contain my excitement over the fact in just a few hours I was going to be reunited with the love of my life. After everything was packed up I decided to get my shower while the baby slept that way I be ready and all I'd have to do was get her breakfast and dress her. When I got out of the shower I was liking the way I looked. My hair was wet but the way it fell gave me a sexy look. I decided to take this moment to troll Lucas. I snapped a photo of myself and you could see my bare chest. I grinned then sent it to Lucas with the caption "6 more hours". It wasn't even three seconds later that he text me and said "Fuck, you're so hot. Don't do this to me." I couldn't help but laugh at his response. I was in the middle of getting dressed when Cailyn woke up. 

"Mama?" I heard her crying. 

She must have got worried that I wasn't here. "I'm here baby whats wrong?" I said to her as I met her outside of the bathroom. 

"I thought you left to go see Daddy without me." she replied. 

I picked Cailyn up and kissed her on the cheek "Awe baby no. I would never leave without you."  I said as I kissed her on the cheek.

"I miss Daddy." she cried. 

"I know you do but we are going to see him soon. Do you want me to FaceTime him?" I asked her. 

"Yeah." she answered. 

"Okay lets go call him." I said as I took her into my room. 

I looked at her and her little eyes were wet from crying. My heart broke a little a bit for my baby. She was doing so good until this morning. I knew Lucas would make her feel better. I took my cell phone made the FaceTime call. I held the phone on her so he could see her. Lucas picked up right away. 

"Hi Daddy." she sniffled. 

"Hey Munchkin whats wrong?" Lucas said to her. "Looks like you've been crying." 

"I was getting dressed and she came in crying thinking I had left her and she says she misses you." I chimed in. 

"Munchkin." Lucas said and she looked at him so he continued "You and Mama are going to be getting on the big plane soon to come see Daddy. Mommy wouldn't leave you." he said to her. 

"I can't wait to see you, Daddy." she said as she held her blanket close to her. 

"I can't wait to see you too munchkin." he said with a smile. "I love you." 

"I love you too." she said back to him. 

"I'm going to get her dressed and feed her the we will leave for the airport." I replied chiming in. "I'm so excited." 

"Same. You guys be safe and everything. Text me and let me know when you are on the plane." Lucas replied. "And Cailyn are you okay now?" 

"Yeah, Daddy I am okay." she replied. 

"Okay eat some breakfast then you and Mommy can leave to come see me." 

"Okay." She said with a big smile. 

"Love you Maya." Lucas said to me. 

"I love you too!" I replied.

Cailyn and I hung up with Lucas then I got her dressed and made her some breakfast. While she ate I finished doing my hair and make up. When we were all ready to go I locked everything up and made sure we had everything that we needed before heading off to the airport. Cailyn perked up a lot once we left and that made me happy. I text Lucas to let him know she was okay and that we were on the way to the airport. It didn't take us that long to check in. Cailyn was so excited as we waited to board our flight. She knew once we got on that plane it meant we would officially be on our way to see Daddy. Luckily we didn't have a long wait at all and boarded the plane on time. I text Lucas when we were taking off and told him we were on the plane and taking off as I text him. The next hour went by rather quick. Cailyn ended up falling asleep which was good that she got a small nap in. I woke her up when we landed and she was bouncing with excitement. Lucas text me and told me he was by baggage claim waiting for us. I grabbed Cailyn's hand and together we went to where he was. As soon as she caught sight up and she ran up to him excitedly. 

"DADDY!! DADDY!!" she yelled and I smiled as I watched her run to Lucas. 

He picked her up and she put her arms around his neck. I watched as she held him tightly. "Oh Daddy loves you so much Cailyn. I'm so happy you are here." he said to her. 

"We rode a big plane, didn't' we Mama?"   Cailyn told Lucas with a big smile on her face. 

"Yes we did!" I replied. 

"Daddy and Grammy rode a big one too." Lucas said as he continued to hold onto her. 

"Is Grammy here?" Cailyn asked.

"Yep. She went to go potty real quick Lucas grinned. 

"I'm back." his Mom said as she walked up to us. "Hey Maya glad you guys made it safe."

"Me too I'm glad to be here now." I replied.

Lucas put Cailyn on the ground and she ran up to her Grammy. "Hi Grammy!" she said. 

"Hi baby! You want to ride home with me? I'll get you a happy meal on the way to the farm." Lucas mom said causing Cailyn to beam with excitement. 

"Yeah! Can I Daddy and Mama?" she asked. 

"Yeah you can." Lucas replied. "Is that alright with you Maya?" 

"Yep that's fine." I replied. 

Lucas and I told Cailyn bye and watched as she walked off with Lucas Mom. Once they were out of sight I turned to look at Lucas who was grinning at me. He walked up to me and pulled me closer t him before leaning down and placing his lips on mine. I felt him nibble my bottom lip so I gave him more access to my mouth. He slipped his tongue and I did the same. Our tongues brushed against each other and I got more into the kiss. It felt so good to be able to kiss him like this again. A few seconds later we came up for air. 

"I love you. I'm so glad you here." Lucas said with a smile.

"I love you too. You couldn't wait to kiss me could you?" I replied.

"Those 5 minutes after you got here was torture." he replied and i couldn't help but laugh. 

I looked up at him and grinned "I'm sure those 4 days were a lot worse." I replied. 

"I was fine until you sent that picture this morning." he said and I laughed. 

"Come on lets get our bags and head to the farm." I replied as I walked over to the belt to see if our bags were out yet. 

"Sounds good." he said to me.

Lucas and I got our bags then headed on out to the farm. It felt so good to be able to be with him again and the look on Cailyn's face was priceless when she spotted her Daddy. I was so glad that Lucas Mom booked this trip for us because I think Cailyn would have been missing Lucas a lot had we not flown down here. After grabbing our bags Lucas and I left the airport to go to the farm. We stopped for a bite to eat on the way there settling on the drive through at Burger King. The two of us  just wanted to get to the farm to spend time with our little girl who was so excited about seeing her horse, Daddy, and showing Mommy everything at Pappy's. I was happy so very happy. 

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