Chapter 38

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A/N: Sorry about that cliffie on the last chapter ya'll! Hope you enjoy this update as well. :) _LucayaFeels is probably going to call my ass out again like she did on that Caught In The Middle Update last night. Lmaoooo PS: This is over 2K words so you are all lucky.

Maya POV

It took me about 10 minutes to get from my place to Riley's. When I got there Farkle let me in. I watched as my baby was playing on the floor with her Aunt. They looked so happy playing together and that made me even more sad but also guilty for my outburst at Lucas. He was more than likely right about Riley eventually being okay. I stood there watching Riley and Cailyn play. They hadn't even noticed I was there.

"Are you okay?" Farkle asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah I'm fine." I lied.

"Okay just making sure because you stopped walking." he replied.

I sighed "Can I talk to you Fark?" I said to him.

I figured I better open to Farkle about all of this since he already knows something is up. Nothing ever got past Farkle and I should know that by now. He took me into his office that was off the living room. Riley and Cailyn continued playing not noticing I was there. I went to his office and sat down in one of the chairs.

"I knew something was up. Whats going on?" he asked me as he sat down at his desk.

"I don't know if Riley told you this yet but Lucas wants to move to Texas with me and Cailyn into his Pappy Joe's house." I replied.

"She told me a little bit about it but didn't go into detail because Cailyn wanted her to play." Farlke answered.

I sighed "She seemed to not take it very well then I went home and lashed out on poor Lucas telling him I was staying back and would fight for my right to have Cailyn which then caused a fight."

"Riley was a mess after your Mom took you out of town. Her saving grace that her through all of that was Cailyn. They formed an amazing bond and I think a lot of that was because Cailyn is so much like you. She has Lucas in her but she's all you. Attitude and all that baby is you."

"I know Farkle that's why I don't want to go now. I don't want to leave her again or put her through that." I said as tears streamed down my face.

"But Maya you need to do what makes you happy and Riley knows that. She is understandably upset about it but the thing is I know my girl. She wouldn't want you putting your life on hold like this and would be absolutely devastated if she knew you and Lucas fought. Not to mention Lucas is going to want to have a relationship with this new baby. Think of how you felt when your mother ripped you from you child."

When Farkle said that about the new baby and how I felt when my mom ripped me from Cailyn I couldn't argue him on that. I wasn't even taking into consideration Lucas feelings on all of this or thinking about our new little bundle that would be coming into this world. How in the fuck could I even consider ripping that baby away from him after what I went through in not having Cailyn for three years?

At that point I started sobbing "You're right Farkle. Oh my god I'm such a horrible person for doing that to him. I would never want him to feel the way I did."

"You're not horrible Maya. You're human and have been through a lot yourself. Your mind went to not wanting to lose Cailyn again. You weren't just thinking. You need to go home and talk to Lucas though."

"I'm going to here shortly. I want to say bye to Riley and Cailyn then I'm going back to him. Can you not say anything to Riley about the fight? I don't want her to know right now. Like you said it would upset her."

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