Chapter 11

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A/N: I'm so amazed at how fast the views are going up on this fic. Hit 2K on Monday and now we are already almost at 3K. I'm so glad you guys are enjoying this! :) 

Maya POV

It's been two weeks since Cailyn and Lucas both entered my life again and to be honest with you I couldn't be happier. Lucas wanted me to come spend the weekend with him again. His Mom was going to be out of town until Sunday visiting her best friend who lives out of state.  Cailyn didn't come to daycare today because Lucas Mom asked to keep her since she was off for the day. I had my things already packed and headed straight for Lucas place after work. I walked up the to the door and knocked on it. A few seconds later it flew open and Lucas stood there looking at me with that handsome grin on his face. 

"I'm so happy you here. " He said as he stepped to the side. 

"There is no place else I'd rather be." I said with a smile and he leaned in and kissed me sfotly before pulling away. 

"Mom said Cailyn talked about you all day. She's going to be so excited to see you." he said as we walked into the room. 

"I really missed her today so the feeling is mutual." I replied. 

Lucas took my bag from me and placed it on a near by chair. and then we walked towards the kitchen. 

"Mama!!" I heard Cailyn yell excitedly and looked over to see her tiny little frame running down the hallway. 

She ran up to me and picked her up immediately and she put her arms around me and held onto me tighlty. "Hello my precious." I said as I hugged her back. 

"I missed you Mama. I so glad you here wif me and Daddy." She said as she pulled away and looked at me with a smile on her face that reminded me so much of her Dad's. 

"I'm glad I am here too. Did you have a fun day with Grammy?" I asked her. 

"Yeah! She took me to the park and on a walk." Cailyn said excitedly. 

"That sounds like so much fun." I replied. 

"They went to Central Park since it was so nice out. Cailyn loves it there. She loves the horse carriages, the small zoo, and the park." Lucas replied. 

"And we got ice cream too!" She said with a big grin. 

"It sounds like you had such a good day." I said to her. "And Lucas I always loved the park too. You and I have some great memories there." 

He smirked at me "Yeah we do have some pretty good ones." 

"We do. So Miss Cailyn what do you want to do today?" I asked her. 

"Can we give Daddy a make over?" she asked and I snorted when I saw Lucas face. 

"You know i think that's a perfect idea." I replied. 

"How about you just give one to Mommy?" Lucas suggested. 

"No I think Daddy needs one." I replied. 

"Yeah Daddy you need one." Cailyn nodded "It be fun" 

" I agree. Mama brought all of her stuff in case you wanted to do princess stuff again." I said with a smile as I placed her on the floor. 

"Yay!" she said excitedly. 

The three of us ate dinner together and then right after Cailyn was bringing up the make overs again. Lucas of course was fighting us on it when I finally used the guilt card on him and he agreed to it. I couldn't help but laugh. I went over and grabbed my bag then the three of us went and sat on the floor. 

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