Chapter 3

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     I felt so cold. I wasn't physically cold, I just felt cold. It was actually quite warm where I was and I know I should probably feel warm but I didn't.

     It wasn't like a winter, jumping into the snow and getting snow in your boots kind of cold.

     It was the kind of cold you feel when you're walking up the stairs in the dark. When you think there's one more stair than there actually is. That heavy moment of cold as your foot free falls through the air.

     It was the kind of cold you feel when you're told that a loved one has just died, or in my case, several. If you haven't experienced this sort of cold, you can't possibly imagine it.

     I sat across a large oak table from the vampire noble who had kidnapped me not an hour earlier.

     He tapped his fingers against the wooden table in a laid back, bored manner. One of his companions, a blue haired female vampire was standing to his left, leaning against the doorframe. Blocking the exit.

     I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, much too big for my small frame. The noble paid no attention to me, yet he seemed impatient about something, like he was expecting something to happen.

     After a few minutes, the blonde female vampire walked in with yet another vampire noble. He was tall and slender with long, thin silver hair bound behind his head with a red ribbon. He held a confident air in his strides as he walked over to the other noble, currently standing up to greet him.

     "Ferid, welcome back," he started.

     The silver haired noble turned to me with a mischievous smirk on his face that sent a shiver down my spine. As he talked, his eyes never lost contact with mine.

     "Who is she? She looks delicious~"

     I shuddered once again.

     "I don't know her name but as you can see by her attire, she's a soldier for the humans. They're starting to get suspicious. I think we should do something."

     Ferid waved him off and started walking over to me.

     "They don't know anything. Relax Crowley. You worry too much."

     He cooed as he sat down in front of me on the table, looking down on me as he grabbed my chin between two gloved fingers, making my stomach flutter wildly.

     "As long as they think they're all being killed, they won't suspect a thing."

     I gulped as he looked me up and down before letting go of my chin and sitting back on his hands, legs crossed.

     "I like her. I'm going to keep her for a little while if you don't mind. What's your name lovely?"

     I questioned how he was able to smirk for so long. Didn't his face get tired?

     I managed to choke out a response but it came out very quiet, almost a whisper.

     "(Y/N)... That's my name..."

     "(Y/N)." He repeated, rolling it over on his tongue.

      I shifted uncomfortably in my seat again, looking away from his gaze. He seemed to be bored with me and stood up off the table, walking back over to Crowley.

     The Noble Ferid walked right past him, curling his finger at him, signaling for him to follow, which he did. The two left me alone with the two female vampires who simultaneously licked their lips while their eyes remained locked on me. I shrunk back in my seat.

     I looked away and let my mind wander a bit. I thought about Shinoa. She had been such a kind, but stubborn friend. She always made sure I had everything I needed, and if I didn't, she made sure I got it.

     The others I didn't really know that well but I did know something. They were people. None of them deserved what had happened.

     The scene played over and over in my head. They were gone so fast. No suffering. The blood, the sounds, the smell, it all happened so quickly. I barely had time to react.

     My thoughts were interrupted by the nobles walking back in. The silver haired one, Ferid, held a black and white dress, gliding over to me in gracefully long strides.

     I stared up at him, eyes glossy. He set the dress down on the table and took my hands with his gloved ones, pulling me up into a standing up position. My knees shook, but I remained standing.

     "(Y/N), you will go change into this uniform and return here."

     Is that a question? I thought. I knew better than to challenge someone as strong as a noble. Especially in my pathetic state.

     I picked up the dress and walked across the room with my head down, strands of my (H/C) hair falling into my face as I exited and looked around wearily for a room to change in.

     This place was like a maze. There were winding hallways and staircases around every turn but not many individual rooms.

     I rounded a corner, and another, and another until-

     I ran right into someone rounding the same corner as me.

     The impact sent me back a few feet and my breath hitched as I looked up to see a boy. He stood at least a foot taller than me and had shoulder length platinum blonde locks, but the part that really stood out about this boy was his striking crystal blue eyes.

     I found myself getting lost in them instantly, staring without realizing it. The boy instantly grew uncomfortable and quickly shuffled past me, walking down the long hallway.

     I blinked and followed him with my eyes. How interesting. He wore a vampire uniform, yet his eyes... were blue. Vampire eyes are traditionally red. Who was he? What was he doing here?

     Could he be in the same situation as me? The thought buzzed in my mind.

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