Chapter 8

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     I repeatedly poked my meat around my plate with my fork, occasionally cutting into it but never taking a bite. My soup slowly grew cold and Mika stood patiently by the door, not saying a word.

     I looked over to him, wishing he could save me, but not knowing how.

     I returned my gaze to the suspicious meat and sat back in my chair, putting my fork down on the plate.

     "Are you done eating?" Mika stood up a bit straighter.

     I simply nodded and avoided looking at the food any longer. Folding my hands in my lap, I waited for Mika to come take my still full plate and bowl.

I stood up and walked back out of the room and back upstairs without Mika. I didn't know what I should be doing so I simply returned to my bedroom and sat on the end of my bed, looking out the tall window at the white water fountain outside.

My stomach rumbled softly and I ignored it, knowing my appetite would return eventually.

     I ran my hand along the silk sheets as I gazed longingly out the window, noticing that the sun was beginning to set, covering everything in a soft orange glow. I wondered if that noble, Ferid, would try to keep me here for the rest of my life, or simply kill me once he got bored of me. How long would that be? The thought made me queasy.

     Mika walked up to my door not long later, standing in the door frame. I looked over to him, noticing how the sunset even made his creamy white skin glow, making him look lovelier than before.

     We both seemed to stare at each other for awhile, taking in each other's presences.

     For a second, I could've sworn I saw a slight hue of pink dusting his cheeks, but the minute I opened my mouth to ask about it he spoke first.

     "You should probably try to get some rest," he motioned to the large bed I was sitting on.

     "But I only just got dressed," I stood up. "And the night is still early. Isn't there anything to do in this place that can take my mind away temporarily?"

     His eyes stayed locked with mine as he spoke, expressing an emotion I couldn't quite figure out.

     "Once Ferid returns you can ask him. For now, it's my job to make sure that you are comfortable. That's all."

     "But I'm not comfortable," I began, tears threatening to spill, having yet to express my emotions out loud. Did I dare to express my emotions now and risk losing the only semi-friend I have in this hell-hole?

     -Mika's P.O.V.-

     She stood there, eclipsed by the light of the fleeting orange sun. Her figure illuminated in a captivating way that made me question my every word. She really was a beautiful girl and it wasn't hard to see why Ferid wanted to take the poor girl home and frame her on his wall.

     I spoke in a way that came off colder than I had wanted it too and I could physically see her frustration.

"But I'm not comfortable," she spoke, and I could tell her voice would crack at any second if she continued.

     She balled her small hands into fists in contempt as she turned away from me, staring out the window once again. Taking a deep breath, she walked over to the window and gently placed her hands on the window sill.

     "I don't want to be here Mika." She spoke in almost a whisper.

     My heart hurt for the girl, but I excused it as both pity for her and for myself, having gone through a similar experience four years ago. It had to be why I was hanging on her every word.

     She turned back around and faced me, making direct eye contact with me as she marched over to where I was standing and planted herself inches from me. I was a fair bit taller than her, even with her wearing heels, so the distance between us forced me to look down on her, into her glistening (e/c) eyes, daring to cry if anything wrong was said.

"Why am I here?" She whispered, barely audible, but of course I heard her.

The phrase was tangible in my ears. Although, I knew this wasn't a question that I couldn't give her a good answer to.

     -Reader P.O.V.-

     I stood in front of him, gazing into his blue eyes and urging him to tell me everything he knew. Anything that could give me a defense against my captors.

     He parted his lips, about to speak when a gloved hand was placed on his shoulder from behind, drawing both of our attention to Ferid, the noble with a mischievous smirk on his face.

     "I do hope I'm not interrupting anything,"

Mika and I both took a step away from each other, putting me further in my room and him into the hallway.

Ferid's crimson red eyes sparked in the light of the sun that was nearly set. It gave him a more sinister look.

He took his hand off of Mika's shoulder and licked his lips as he kept his eyes on me, making me shudder uncomfortably.

"Mika, you're excused." He stated, never taking his eyes off of me.

I looked at Mika and met his gaze before he turned and walked down the hallway, leaving us alone.

The room felt a lot colder now. I felt small under his gaze. I pretended to fold my arms and held the sides of my arms, hoping to appear less fragile then I felt.

A smirk played on his lips.

"So, what have you been doing while I was gone?"

I shifted my weight from one foot to another.

"Well... I washed up like you said. After that I had dinner."

He hummed in agreement and I shifted my weight back to the other foot, looking somewhere off to the side.

"I'm going to be hosting a party of sorts here tomorrow evening. I expect you to be wearing you best and mind your own business."

I frowned at this.

"Why do I have to dress up for your party? Why should I do anything you say? I never agreed to any of this."

"Ah, well you don't get a choice, puppet."

"I don't have to listen to you. You're just a dirty bloodsucker." I clenched my fists and projected my anger at him. "It's because of you and your stupid friend that my friends are dead!"

Before I knew what was happening, I was pinned down on my bed by my wrists being squeezed by the brute of a Noble. I winced and held back a cry of pain when his nails began digging into the soft flesh of my arms.

I stared up in fear into the crimson eyes of Ferid, trembling under him. He spoke in a low and dark voice that sent fear running through my body.

"You don't get to talk to me like that. I own you."

I stared at him, speechless, pathetic and being overpowered.

After a couple agonizing seconds of this, he released my arms and moved off of me and stood up, watching me scramble into a sitting up position.

Then, without a word, he left my room, closing the door behind him and locking it from the outside.

I hugged my knees to my chest and felt something wet on my knee. Only then did I feel my cheek and realize I was crying. Tears of fear.

I accidentally let out a sob and quickly covered my mouth with my hand, now sitting in silence again.

I stayed like that for a long time before laying down and deciding I better go to sleep like Mika said.

I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

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