Chapter 7

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I finished getting cleaned up and drained the tub, washing all of the impurities down the drain. I grabbed a plush towel and secured it around my body before realizing I hadn't brought any clean clothes in with me. Not even a robe. I took the old livestock uniform and threw it into the hamper before opening the door and slowly peering outside.

Looking up and down the hall to make sure nobody was around, I quickly ran across the hallway into my bedroom and closed the door, locking it behind me.

I walked over the wardrobe and dropped my towel on the floor and stepped on it to not drip water on the floor.

I opened the closet and saw many dresses, mostly short and all either black, red, or a variant of red.

I grazed my hand along a couple of the dresses, carefully picking a short red dress that came with a matching black string choker.

     I grazed my hand along a couple of the dresses, carefully picking a short red dress that came with a matching black string choker

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I pulled it out of the wardrobe and held it up to my naked body in front of a tall mirror.

Nodding with approval, I went over to a tall dresser and pulled open a drawer, finding a couple sets of panties and matching bras. I could feel my face heat up a bit while looking at some of them.

They, like the dresses, were also either black or red. He must really like these colors.

Even so, I pulled out a red pair, choosing the least provocative set I could see.

     Even so, I pulled out a red pair, choosing the least provocative set I could see

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I slipped on the underwear set and was surprised to see how well it fit. I then slipped the dress on over it and tied the choker around my soft neck.

I sighed at my figure in the mirror. Once again, it took a lot of strength not to cry. I was a pathetic concubine, living in the place of my comrades. It wasn't fair.

     I turned around, disgusted at my reflection. I grabbed some black shoes from the bottom of the closet at sat down on the bed to slip them on.

     I grabbed a polished black hairbrush off of the nightstand and began to brush through my [h/c] locks

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     I grabbed a polished black hairbrush off of the nightstand and began to brush through my [h/c] locks.

I had no idea what this noble would have me do. Not a clue. I wasn't special, so why was I saved in the first place?

After getting completely ready, I had nothing to do. Or at least, nothing that I knew of, so I decided to do some exploring, and maybe even find a way out.

I quickly walked over to the door and threw it open with a new sense of determination, walking right into what felt like a wall and stumbling backwards, nearly falling backwards before two hands tightly gripped my waist, holding me.

Stunned, I looked up to see Mika, the blonde boy from before. Our eyes met and I couldn't look away to save my life. It was as if he had me in some sort of trance.

He pulled me back up onto my feet and broke the gaze, snapping me back to my senses.

I quickly collected myself and took a step back, taking in his presence, my cheeks flushing.

"M-Mika... You're here too?" I inquired, with no confidence in my voice. Although, his being here gave me a small sense of comfort as he doesn't seem as masochist and insane as everyone else I've met so far. Though, I didn't know that for sure.

"I've come to accompany you to dinner." He stated plainly.

"Dinner?" I hadn't even thought about food. I didn't even want to think about it. I could throw up even thinking about it. He seemed to notice my discomfort at his statement.

"You don't have to eat. You just have to come to the dinner table and pretend like you are." Then he leaned in close to my ear, his voice a low whisper. "Ferid is watching"

I felt my breath hitch at this. How? I watched the noble drive away in his car. He couldn't possibly be here, could he? How could he be watching?

I was noticeably stiff now. I had frozen up. I couldn't move.

He gently took my hand and led me out of the bedroom, giving me barely enough time to close my door behind me.

He then let go of my hand and continued to walk down the hall, while I trailed along behind him. I watched as the white cape he wore swayed side to side on the floor as he stepped. I kept my head down, feeling smaller than ever. I folded my hands in front of me and walked as silently as I could, my black heels clicking against the floor with each step.

We walked down the grand stair case and across the floor and Mika pushed open two doors into yet another grand room with a long table in the middle, covered in an elegant white tablecloth. Among it, one lone chair was placed at the end. Looking around, there were no other seats to be found.

I looked to Mika for approval but he was already whisking himself away to another room off to the left. I took that as my cue to sit down in the chair. I looked around the room while I waited.

     There was an unnecessarily large red curtain covering most of the wall to my right. It was thick and looked heavy like theater curtains. It blocked out any outside light from entering the room, while a light chandelier hung proudly above the center of the table, illuminating the room. In the center of the table stood a tall vase with a bouquet of many white and red roses as a centerpiece. Intricate drawings in gold of what looked to be lions adorned the vase. The rest of the table was bare, covered in a sleek white table cloth with no wrinkles or marks whatsoever, as if it had never been used.

Mika then walked back into the room, rolling a mobile metal tray in front of him, decorated with white saucers holding fancy looking food on each plate.

     He rolled it over to me and set a large plate of some type of meat with a seasoning I didn't recognize in front of me. He then put a small bowl of a strange looking brown soup next to the plate and an empty wine glass down, grabbing an expensive looking bottle of red wine from under the cart.

     I put my hand up to stop him from opening it.

     "I don't drink," I spoke softly.

He returned the bottle to it's place and took the glass back.

"I'll get you some water," he rolled the tray back into the other room, giving me enough time to investigate the suspicious food in front of me.

The salty savory smell of it all made me want to vomit. Not because it smelled bad, but because my stomach told me that if I ate anything I wouldn't be able to keep it down.

Mika walked back in with a tall glass of clear water with a couple of ice cubes jingling as he set it down on the table beside me.

All I could do was stare blankly at the meal. My mind began to drift again, off to my deceased comrades.

I thought about how they probably never savored what was to be their last meal, as nobody can predict death. They would've seen it as a regular weekly meal. Not to be their last.

I stared at the meat on my plate. Had I not recently been through a tragedy, this would've been a delicious sight. I probably would've eaten the whole thing without a second thought. Though, I seem to be second-guessing everything I do now.

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