Chapter 3

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Everybody started jumping up and down and going crazy, we were so excited! I looked at Ell and he was smiling but it was fake, i could tell.

"Ell, come on" i say.

"Where are we going?" He ask

"To my room. We seriously need to talk, I know there is something bothering you." I add pulling him to the living room.


Holly dellcabob  , she is holding my hand.

Ell, Ell, You there?" Rydel ask while waving her hand in front of my face.

"Yeah I am here!" I say

"So whats bothering you?" She asks

"Nothing" i answer

"Ell you know you can tell me anything right?" She tells me.

Not everything i kind of whisper to myself.

"Its just that mine and Kelly's relationship isn't going well l. I mean we fight all the time and she is SUPER clingy!!" I answer kind of frustrated.

"You just noticed that?" She says also a little frustrated. She looked away

" i am sorry, its just that Kelly is not the right one for you.." she spoke has she turned her head to and I saw tears in her eyes, running off

"Rydel wait....." I yell running to her bedroom door.


Oh my gosh I can't believe I just did that...

"Rydel wait......." i hear Ratliff yell from the living room.

"Go away, i am sorry i shouldn't have said anything! Please just go away!!" I yell.

"No, i am not going anywhere. I am staying here until you come unlock the door so we can talk" he says with a soothing voice.

Unlock the door. No. Yes. No. Ughhhh

"Fine" i say, walking up to the door to unlock it.

"About what you said......" he tries to speak

"I don't wont to talk about what i said. I am sorry I should not have said anything." I interrupt

"No its okay. That's what i have been thinking about, me and Kelly use to have a connection but i think that was the past. I am gonna break up with her..." Ellington states

"What?" I say in shock. I did not expect that.

"I am gonna break up with her." Ell repeats

"O well i am sorry again, i got to go." I say and walked out of my room.


"what just happened. I wonder why she got so upset" i say to myself laying back on her bed.

I just laid my head on her pillow when i hit something hard. "What the crap" i whisper. I put my hand under her pillow to see if what made her pillow so hard. Got it. I pulled it out. Rydel's Journal I read while thinking about to open or not. I decide to. I open it and the first date said 4.8.08
There was so many entries.
I heard someone coming up the stairs so i quickly close her journal and put it back where i found it.

"Dude what are you doing in my Rydel's room?" Riker ask

"Well me and Rydel were talking about something, then she got up with tears in her eyes and stormed off." I answer him.

Tough Love: A Rydellington love storyWhere stories live. Discover now