Chapter 8~Dad

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I turn to my other side in bed, checking my phone. Everyone had been leaving sweet notes and all about missing me. It was sort of funny. Might be the only thing funny in my life right now.

Thursday 6:17pm
From Garroth
Oh sweet, (Y/N). I miss you so much. Please be back soon. Travis ate all the tacos and Zane ate all the cupcakes. Wo is hungry me

Wow, how sweet Garroth.. I think to myself playfully. I let out a small giggle and scroll down to Travis' messages.

Friday 5:18pm
From Travis
Your rly pretty

Travis 5:18pm
Plz com back

Travis 5:19pm
We miss u

I sigh and leave the messages. It'd only been two weeks and these boys are already getting on my nerves in the weirdest ways. My phone buzzed, signaling someone had texted me. I scroll up and see Dante's name had a blue circle next to it.

Saturday 8:10am
From Dante
When are you coming back again, bb?

Saturday 8:10am
From Me
In about two weeks, and I'm not your "bb"

Saturday 8:10am
From Dante
Oh, okay

I close my phone decided to crawl out of bed. I walk downstairs and see my mom is no where to be seen. With a confused look brushed against my face, I walk over to my mothers' room. She wasn't in there either. I sigh and walk to the kitchen.

I open the the pantry and pull out a box of cereal. I'm going to try eating. I open the fridge and retrieve some milk. I grab a bowl and place the simple ingredients down on the counter.

Wait, so is it cereal then milk? No, that can't be it. I take the milk and pour it into the bowl. Then, I pour a decent amount of cereal in. The ratio to milk and cereal was off, but can you blame me?

I take a spoon and dip some soggy cereal into it. I put my mouth to it and take the bite. A weird happiness is placed upon my tastebuds, but not my stomach. I don't care anyway and eat the cereal. Every last bit. I drank the milk at the bottom too.

I put the bowl into the sink and smile. I just ate for the first time in years. Wow.

I head back upstairs and gather my phone. I go to messages and click Mom.

Saturday 8:26am
From Me
Mom! I ate cereal! And I'm not sick!

Saturday 8:28
From Me
Mom, are you there?

Saturday 8:35
From Me

Saturday 8:43
From Me
Mom, you're scaring me

I put down the phone and start panicking. My mother never left without telling me, and she always answers her texts!

I freak out and call the only other person who knows where she could possibly be.




"Hello?" A voice answers the phone. I take a deep breath and start to speak.

"Hey, dad.." I whisper nervously. I was shaking and terrified of what he was to say next.

"Hey, sweetheart! What are you up to?" He asks like what happened in the past never happened.

"Nothing much.. hey, do you know where Mom is?" I ask, biting my tongue. I could hear him breath deeply. I fiddle with my fingers in the opposite hand.

"She's with me," he speaks plainly. I gulp loudly.

"And where exactly are you?" I ask, getting a bit annoyed. I wanted my mother, and I wanted her immediately.

"No where. She'll be home in about a year," he says like it's no big issue. I panic and ask a loud 'what' which was loud enough to wake the neighbors. "Oh, and don't even think about going back to MyStreet. You don't want to bring your mom's other daughter into this. Or anyone else."

"I have to go," I say, hanging up. I throw my phone on the floor and go upstairs into my room. I basically knock down the door and grabbed my suitcase. I packed up all my clothes and put on an outfit.

I grabbed my suitcase, threw all my toiletries in, and my charger and earbuds

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I grabbed my suitcase, threw all my toiletries in, and my charger and earbuds. I bring it all downstairs and grabbed my phone quickly. I grabbed my mothers' keys off of the counter and ran into her car.

I start it and set a route to my address. I'm going home.


Sorry this chapter is a bit shorter than most, it felt right to end on a cliffhanger. And the middle option isn't working right now so...

Well, see you in the next chapter, my friends :3


772 words

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