Meteorology: The Hydrological Cycle

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The Bible has much to say about the subject of meteorology. Although the scientific study of the atmosphere has existed for millennia, only since around the eighteenth century have there been significant breakthroughs. The water cycle, for example, was an idea that wasn't understood completely until the late seventeenth century, when such scientists as Edmund Halley, Pierre Perrault, and Edme Mariotte conducted groundbreaking studies on the atmosphere. However, more than two thousand years prior to this, the Scriptures detailed a complete water cycle, "All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, there they return again" (Ecclesiastes 1:7).

This doesn't seem so scientific, yet when considered with real world figures, it becomes nothing short of remarkable. For example, the Mississippi River dumps approximately 518 billion gallons of water every 24 hours into the Gulf of Mexico. Keep in mind that the average person will only have consumed about 23,157 gallons of water in their entire life. Remember, that's just one river among thousands of rivers and streams worldwide. So where does all that water go? The answer lies in the hydrological cycle, which the Bible brought to light over two thousand years before its official discovery. 


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